Key Actions and Features on a Structure Page

Here are some of the key actions and features available on the toolbar or the Actions menu on a structure.

  • Fill Up (Ctrl+U), or Fill Down (Ctrl+D), and Fill Selected (Ctrl+S): you can quickly fill in attributes when you’ve added new items (this is also available when modifying a change order).
    • Fill Up (Ctrl+U) and
    • Fill Down (Ctrl+D) are available when you’ve selected a consecutive range of rows. Remember that you’ve to select the table cell and modify the value in the cell for Fill Down and Fill Up to work.
    • Fill Selected (Ctrl+S) is available when you have used Control-click to select nonconsecutive rows.

      Note that the Effectivity Date attribute isn't automatically populated.

  • Search: Enter the criteria to search for components within the structure. The application performs a search based on the component name and description.
  • Quantity Related: Select this to validate whether the item structure quantity matches the reference designator count. A message appears in case of quantity mismatch. This is enabled by default in Product Development structures. This action is also available on the reference designator dialog box.
  • Align Quantity: Select this to automatically update item quantity to match the reference designators count. This action is also available on the reference designator dialog box.
  • Set Quantity Related to No: Select this to disable the Quantity Related setting that creates a dependency between component quantity and the number of reference designators. If the Quantity Related field is set to No, the application allows a mismatch between the component quantity and the number of reference designators entered for the selected component.
  • Set Quantity Related Field to Yes: Select this to enable the Quantity Related setting that creates a dependency between component quantity and the number of reference designators. If the Quantity Related field is set to Yes, the application checks whether the specified component quantity matches the number of reference designators entered for the selected component and displays a warning if there’s a mismatch.
  • Freeze: This is useful when you want to work with a large amount of component data spread across multiple columns in the item structure. To freeze a column, select the column and click Freeze. Scroll through the columns keeping the frozen column in context. For example, you can keep the item name column frozen and scroll to view all its additional attributes.