Overview of Innovation to Commercialization

Product Development's functionality can be broadened by Innovation Management and Product Hub applications. The enterprise can streamline its end-to-end business processes:

  • Innovation and Proposals: Innovation Management applications;

  • Design and early Development: Product Development;

  • Manufacturing to Commercialization: Product Hub.

Innovation Management

Innovation Management is a suite of Supply Chain Management applications that promotes the abilities of the enterprise to build suitable products. Innovation Management includes three compatible applications:

  • Ideas Workspace: supports and simplifies the innovation process to create, aggregate, and review ideas about potential products.

  • Concepts Workspace: supports defining a product in its conceptual phase, building requirements specifications, concepts, and proposals.

Product Development to Commercialization

The enterprise brings matured concepts, proposals, and requirements specification forward to become products. A product is designed and developed in Product Development, then handed over to Product Hub to be manufactured and commercialized:

  • Product Development supports item and document creation and enrichment, and building items and documents into structures. A structure is a list of assemblies - of items and manufacturer parts - or a list of documents, both including the design and prototype of the product.

    Using change orders to formally modify items, documents, and structures, the product evolves and moves through initial development stages to readiness for manufacturing.

    Product Development helps users manage Master Organization items and documents, while Product Hub helps users manage Site items.

  • Product Hub takes the product through stages of manufacturing to commercial release, including multiple versions, packaging, and other downstream processes. Product Hub allows the detailing-out of commercial and operational attributes, and facilitates the management of part catalogs.


Product Development integrates with Innovation Management to help streamline product innovation, design, and development processes, and with Oracle Project Portfolio Management to manage development projects.

You can also create integrations with your Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications to enable items, bills of material and change orders to be managed in Product Development, while continuing to manage CAD designs and data in an on-premise CAD product data management application.

To support CAD integration, web services for Changes, Items and Structures are available. You can use these services to develop integrations between Product Development and Agile Engineering Collaboration, other on-premise CAD product data management applications, or cloud-based CAD applications.