Publish Items for Analysis in OTBI

To make data available for reports, you must first publish the data for analysis in OTBI (Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence). You can publish the item structure and where-used data.

Here's how:

  • On the item page, click Actions > View Reports > Publish.


  • On the item search results page, select the items you want to publish. Then click Actions > Publish for Analysis.

The analysis on items and structures provides critical decision-making information.

Note that you must these privileges:

Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV) and Manage Change Order (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV) along with


Note: To see the descriptive flexfields in OTBI, you must run the scheduled process - Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence and to populate data in Structures and Components and Where Used subject areas, you must run the scheduled process - Run Scheduled Process for Populating Subject Areas.