Relationship Rules for Changes, Problem Reports, and Corrective Actions

You can create relationship rules between change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

Use these rules to change the status of one object when the status of a related object is changed to a specific value. For example, you can create a rule to close a corrective action when a related change order is implemented. Here the 'source' object on which the rule is defined is the change order, and the 'target' object that the rule should act upon is the related corrective action.

You create relationship rules using the Add Rule button on the Relationships tab of the source object. Before you create a rule, the target object must be added as a related object on this tab.

When you add a rule, it lists the source object and then the target object.

Rule Syntax: When <source object name> moves to <status name> status, Move <target object name> to <status name> status.

Rule example: When ECO 567657 moves to Completed status, move corrective action Keyboard Malfunction to Closed status.

When the rule is triggered and the target object moves to the specified status, you'll see the action recorded in the History tab of the target object.

  • A relationship can only have one rule. However, this feature supports one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationship rules between the source and target objects.
  • You can add or delete rules on both the source and target objects as required.
Note: Users with permissions for the Manage Relationships action in Additional Workflow Controls set to Yes can add relationship rules.
On the Relationships tab of a change object:
  • Click the + icon to create a rule.
  • Click the pencil icon to edit the relationship rule.
  • Click the X icon to delete the rule.
The rule doesn’t trigger if the target object:
  • hasn't reached the status just before the status specified in the rule.
  • is canceled.

Here are some points you must remember while choosing the target and source objects and setting rules:

  • The source object status can be in any status type except Scheduled.
  • The target object status can be in any status type except Scheduled or Completed.
  • If a rule fails, you can manually move the target object forward.
  • Approval steps won't be skipped.
  • The target object moves to the specified status even if you don't have access to edit the target object.