Resolve Revision Conflicts

An affected object can be assigned to multiple change orders.

When you add an item as an affected object to a change order, its current revision appears in the Old Revision column and you can provide the new revision in the New Revision column.

If the same item is already assigned to another change order, another revision is created in parallel. When you complete one of the change orders, the application detects a conflict for the other change order. When this happens, you're prompted to resolve the conflict.

Here are some examples to show you what causes revision conflicts and how to resolve them.

Scenario 1

Let's say you've assigned the same item to two change orders, CO1 and CO2.

  • CO1 is in Open or Draft status and is set to be effective on a future date.

    Old Revision is A and New Revision is B.

  • CO2 is set to be effective immediately.

    Old Revision is A and New Revision is C.

    Now you approve and complete CO2.

Later, when you complete CO1 which has its old revision set as A, the application detects a conflict because CO2 is already effective with revision as C. A message appears asking you whether you want to change the old revision value.

If you click Yes, CO1 is put on hold and a batch job is created to correct the revision. On successful completion of the job, the initial revision on CO1 is changed to C, hold on CO1 is removed, and you can then promote CO1.

Here's an image that shows old and new revisions before you resolve revision conflicts.
Image that shows old and new revisions before you resolve revision conflicts
Here's an image that shows old and new revisions after you resolve revision conflicts.
Image that shows old and new revisions after you resolve revision conflicts
The flowchart shows how revision conflicts are resolved when one of the change orders is in open or draft status:
Flowchart showing how revision conflicts are resolved when one of the change orders is in open or draft status.

Scenario 2

Let's say you've assigned the same item to two change orders, CO1 and CO2.

  • CO1 is in Approval or Interim approval status and is set to be effective on a future date.

    Old Revision is A and New Revision is B.

  • CO2 is set to be effective immediately.

    Old Revision is A and New Revision is C. Now you approve and complete CO2.

Later, when you complete CO1 which has its old revision set as A, the application detects a conflict because CO2 is already effective with revision as C. A message appears informing you to demote the change order to open status and resolve revision conflicts.

To demote CO1 to open status, click Change Status > Open.

Note: From this step onward, the process is similar to the previous scenario.

To resolve revision conflicts:

From the Affected Objects tab on CO1, click Actions > Resolve Revision Conflicts.

Change order CO1 is put on hold and a batch job is created to correct the revision. On successful completion of the job, the initial revision on CO1 is changed to C, hold on CO is removed, and you can promote CO1.

How to Resolve Conflicts Manually

Click Actions > Resolve Revision Conflicts, on the affected objects tab of the change order. Note that in the scenarios listed in this topic, you select the change order which is open, draft, approval, or interim approval status.

What's Carried Forward in the Resolved Revision

The modifications made to AML, description and structure are carried forward from the valid old revision to the new revision (when conflicts are resolved). Note that attachments aren't carried forward.