Secure Access to Manufacturers

Use the manufacturer-specific privileges to securely access the manufacturer data. These privileges provide granular access control to manage manufacturer data.

Here are the privileges required to secure access to manufacturers:
  • Create Manufacturer: You can only create manufacturers with this privilege.
    • Privilege: Create Manufacturer (EGP_CREATE_MANUFACTURER_PRIV)

      Users who are assigned the Create Manufacturer privilege should also be given the Manage Manufacturer privilege (EGP_MANAGE_MANUFACTURER_PRIV)

  • View Manufacturers: You can view all the manufacturers with this privilege.
    • Privilege: View Manufacturer (EGP_VIEW_MANUFACTURER_PRIV)
  • Manage Manufacturers: You can view and edit the manufacturers.
    • Privilege: Manage Manufacturer (EGP_MANAGE_MANUFACTURER_PRIV)
Note: This is available only if you opt in to the feature: Upgrade Manufacturer Management.