Promote Pricing Algorithms Into the Latest Update

Use the Promote All action to incorporate new features, performance improvements, and corrections that Oracle Pricing provides in the latest update into pricing algorithms from earlier updates.

Caution: You must use the Promote All action to promote your pricing algorithms immediately after you upgrade to the latest update. You must promote your algorithms in every update. If you don't, then each of your current and extended algorithms will remain on older versions and you risk not taking advantage of new features, performance improvements, and corrections that Oracle provides in the latest update. You also risk accumulating a lot of change across updates, and that makes it more difficult to promote your algorithms or in some cases even not possible to promote them. This can affect your ability to accurately test your flows when you finally do promote.

Try it:

  1. Finish installing the latest update.

    Here's what Pricing does when you install the update:

    • Adds new features, performance improvements, and corrections to version 0 of each predefined algorithm.

    • Sets each new pricing algorithm that it's introducing as part of the update to version 0.

    • Uses version 0 as the baseline for each predefined pricing algorithm.

    Pricing uses these versions so you can refer back to version 0 and compare the baseline to your modified version. It's useful when you must modify or troubleshoot your set up.

  2. Go to the Pricing Administration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  3. Click Actions > Promote All.

    This action applies all the new features, performance improvements, and corrections from the latest update to all pricing algorithms.

  4. Reconcile the modifications that you made during earlier updates so they work with the current update. For details, see Manage Modifications Through Updates.