Objects You Can Enable for Audit

The following table lists objects and attributes in the Quality Management work area that you can enable for auditing.

Object Attribute
Quality Issue
  • Quality Issue
  • Quality Issue Attachment
  • Quality Issue Affected Object
  • Destination Quality Issue
  • Source Quality Issue
Quality Action
  • Quality Action
  • Quality Action Attachment
  • Quality Action Affected Object
  • Destination Quality Action
  • Source Quality Action

Business Objects in Changes Node

The following table provides the business objects for the Changes parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Changes Includes a collection of business objects that maintain change order data.
Note: To view trading partner reference attributes in audit reports for change orders, problem reports, and corrective actions, enable the attributes Customer, Supplier, Source, and Manufacturer for audit.
Change Object Change object header level attributes Changes
Change Object Attachments Change object attachment attributes Change Object
Affected Objects Affected object attributes Change Object
Change Object Tasks Change object task attributes Change Object
Source Change Object Source change object attributes Change Object
Destination Change Object Destination change object attributes Change Object
Source Change Object Rule Source and Destination object type and status attributes Change Object
Destination Change Object Rule Destination and Source object type and status attributes Change Object
Change Object Extensible Flexfields Extensible flexfield attributes for change orders Change Object