Associate Calendars with Supplier Sites

Use a supplier site calendar to measure processing lead times for purchases from a supplier site. You can associate a Supply Chain Planning calendar with a supplier site to use for all items sourced from that supplier site.

The calendar is in the collected planning data.

You can associate a calendar with supplier sites to use if there is no calendar defined through the Approved Supplier List upload for a supplier site-item combination. From a Supply Chain Planning work area, navigate to the Maintain Supply Network Model page, Suppliers tab. In the Supplier Site Calendar column for a supplier, select a calendar name from the list of collected calendars. You can only edit this field if the supplier row contains a supplier site.

When you run the plan, the planning process uses the selected calendar on the Maintain Supply Network Mode page if the approved supplier list calendar for the supplier site-item is blank. If the approved supplier list calendar for the supplier site-item is blank, and you do not associate a calendar with a supplier site on the Maintain Supply Network Model page, then the planning process uses the 24/7 calendar.