Copy and Paste Values in Tables

Use the Copy and Paste options in the Actions menu for a table to copy cell values and paste them in editable cells. You can also copy values from one table to another within the same plan.

Pasting overwrites any existing values, and any measures that are dependent on the overwritten measures are recalculated.

If your data is in an external application such as Microsoft Excel, you can use the following procedure to copy and paste your data:

  1. Copy your data from the external application.

  2. In your work area table, click the first editable cell from which you want the data to be pasted, and select Actions > Paste from Clipboard. The Paste from Clipboard dialog box opens.

  3. Press Ctrl+V to paste your content in the dialog box. You can further edit your data in the dialog box.

  4. Click Paste and Close. The copied content is pasted into the editable cells of the table.

Alternatively, you can export your table data to Microsoft Excel using the Export icon, work with your data in that application, copy your data, and bring it back into your table by using the Paste from Clipboard option. To copy data between plans, export the table data to Microsoft Excel from one plan, and use the Paste from Clipboard option to copy data into the other plan.

Note: You can paste values in only those cells that fall within your plan horizon. The number and orientation of the cells from which data is copied and the cells into which data is pasted must match. Only numeric data can be copied and pasted. Non-editable cells that are within a range of editable cells are skipped when data is pasted, and a warning is displayed to this effect.