How You Simulate Changes to Supplies and Demands in Replenishment Plans

This topic explains how you can simulate changes to supplies and demands in the Replenishment Planning work area.

In your replenishment plan, you can use these tables to simulate changes to supplies and demands:

  • Supplies and Demands: Use this table when you want to simulate changes for all planning buckets in your planning horizon.

  • Replenishment Workbench: Use this table when you want to simulate changes for specific planning buckets in your planning horizon.

Simulate Changes with the Supplies and Demands Table

You can simulate changes to supplies and demands for the manual demand, planned order, and on-hand order types by editing the Supplies and Demands table for your replenishment plan.

You can do the following while using the Supplies and Demands table for simulations:

  • Create and edit manual demands.

  • Create and edit orders of the on-hand type.

  • Create and edit planned orders.

This table lists the columns that you can edit in the Supplies and Demands table from your replenishment plan:


Editable in Replenishment Plan?


  • Manual Demand: Yes

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: No

Customer Site

  • Manual Demand: Yes

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: No

Firm Date

  • Manual Demand: Yes

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: Yes

Firm Quantity

  • Manual Demand: Yes

  • On Hand: Yes

  • Planned Order: Yes

Firm Status

  • Manual Demand: Yes

  • On Hand: Yes

  • Planned Order: Yes

Shipping Method

  • Manual Demand: No

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: Yes

Source Organization

  • Manual Demand: No

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: Yes


  • Manual Demand: No

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: Yes

Supplier Site

  • Manual Demand: No

  • On Hand: No

  • Planned Order: Yes

After saving your changes, run your replenishment plan with the Do not refresh with current data option and Calculate replenishments check box selected on the Parameters tab in the Run Plan dialog box. Click Manage Replan Details to open the Manage Replan Details dialog box, in which you can see the item-location combinations for which you've made changes. Deselect the check box under Replan for the combinations for which you don't want to run the simulation.

The changes are lost the next time you run the replenishment plan with the Refresh with current data option selected on the Parameters tab in the Run Plan dialog box.

Simulate Changes with the Replenishment Workbench Table

You can simulate changes to supplies and demands in your replenishment plan by using the Replenishment Workbench table.

Use the Adjusted Shipments Forecast, Gross Forecast, and Net Forecast columns to simulate changes to demands and the Planned Replenishments by Due Date column to simulate changes to supplies.

After saving your changes, run your replenishment plan with the Do not refresh with current data option and Calculate replenishments check box selected on the Parameters tab in the Run Plan dialog box. Click Manage Replan Details to open the Manage Replan Details dialog box, in which you can see the item-location combinations for which you've made changes. Deselect the check box under Replan for the combinations for which you don't want to run the simulation.

Except for the change you make to the Adjusted Shipments Forecast column, the other changes are lost the next time you run the replenishment plan with the Refresh with current data option selected on the Parameters tab in the Run Plan dialog box.

Note: If you simulate a change to the Gross Forecast measure, the value of the Past Due Gross Forecast measure is set to zero and isn't considered in the forecast calculation. Instead of simulating a change to the Gross Forecast measure, consider simulating a change to the Net Forecast measure or adding a manual demand in the Supplies and Demands table.