Predefined Tables for Replenishment Planning

You can use predefined tables to get insights into various aspects of your replenishment plans.

Pivot Tables for Inventory Policies

These pivot tables pertain to inventory policies for replenishment plans:

Name Based on Use Available Drills
Fill Rate by Item Location
  • Fill Rate Shortfall Percentage measure
  • Projected Fill Rate measure
  • Target Fill Rate measure
View the fill rates for items at a particular location.
Note: Before running your replenishment plan, set up the Target Fill Rate measure in a table with a row or column for each segment.
  • Manage Policy Parameters by Item table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
Manage Policy Parameters by Item
  • Adjusted EOQ measure
  • Adjusted Maximum Days measure
  • Adjusted Maximum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted Minimum Days measure
  • Adjusted Minimum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted ROP Days measure
  • Adjusted ROP Quantity measure
  • EOQ measure
  • Final EOQ measure
  • Final Maximum Days measure
  • Final Maximum Quantity measure
  • Final Minimum Days measure
  • Final Minimum Quantity measure
  • Final ROP Days measure
  • Final ROP Quantity measure
  • Maximum Days measure
  • Maximum Quantity measure
  • Minimum Days measure
  • Minimum Quantity measure
  • On Hand measure
  • Policy Type measure
  • Policy UOM measure
  • ROP Days measure
  • ROP Quantity measure
  • Safety Stock measure
  • Review the calculated policy parameters for an item-location combination.
  • Manually change the policy parameters to simulate solutions to issues.
  • Items table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Planned Orders by Location
  • Orders Released Automatically measure
  • Total Planned Orders measure
Review the counts of automatically released orders and planned orders for item-location combinations. Supplies and Demands table
Policy Analysis by Segment - Table
  • Fill Rate Shortfall Percentage measure
  • Item Locations Planned measure
  • Item Locations with Fill Rate Violations measure
  • Item Locations with Safety Stock Violations measure
  • Item Locations with Stockouts measure
  • Stockout Cost measure
View the number of planned item-location combinations, number of item-location combinations with fill-rate violations, and so on by segment.
  • Fill Rate by Item Location table
  • Manage Policy Assignments table
Policy Comparison Summary by Location
  • Policies Automatically Accepted measure
  • Policies to Review measure
View the counts of items with policies for review and automatically accepted policies at a location. Manage Policy Comparison table
Policy Review Status by Segment
  • Policies Automatically Accepted measure
  • Policies Manually Accepted measure
  • Policies Reviewed measure
  • Policies Retained measure
  • Policies to Review measure
View the counts of item-location combinations within a segment with various policy review statuses.
  • Manage Policy Comparison table
  • Policy Comparison Summary by Location table
Replenishment Policy Parameters
  • Adjusted EOQ measure
  • Adjusted Maximum Days measure
  • Adjusted Maximum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted Minimum Days measure
  • Adjusted Minimum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted ROP Days measure
  • Adjusted ROP Quantity measure
  • Average Daily Demand measure
  • EOQ measure
  • Final EOQ measure
  • Final Maximum Days measure
  • Final Maximum Quantity measure
  • Final Minimum Days measure
  • Final Minimum Quantity measure
  • Final ROP Days measure
  • Final ROP Quantity measure
  • Item Order Quantity measure
  • Maximum Days measure
  • Maximum Quantity measure
  • Minimum Days measure
  • Minimum Quantity measure
  • Policy Type measure
  • Policy UOM measure
  • ROP Days measure
  • ROP Quantity measure
  • Safety Stock measure
Review the calculated policy parameters by item-location combination.
  • Items table
  • Manage Policy Assignments table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Replenishment Workbench
  • Adjusted Maximum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted Minimum Quantity measure
  • Adjusted Shipments Forecast measure
  • Beginning Inventory Position measure
  • Final Inventory Position measure
  • Final Maximum Quantity measure
  • Final Minimum Quantity measure
  • Final Shipments Forecast measure
  • Gross Forecast measure
  • Maximum Quantity measure
  • Minimum Quantity measure
  • Net Forecast measure
  • On Hand measure
  • On Order measure
  • Planned Replenishments by Due Date measure
  • Planned Replenishments by Order Date measure
  • Projected Available Balance measure
  • Purchase Orders measure
  • Safety Stock measure
  • Sales Orders measure
  • Scheduled Receipts measure
  • Total Demand measure
  • Total Supply measure
  • Transfer Orders measure
View the time-phased supplies, demands, and projected inventory levels for an item-location combination.
  • Inventory Sawtooth graph
  • Items table
  • Manage Policy Assignments table
  • Replenishment Policy Parameters table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Suggested Replenishment Policy Parameters
  • Suggested Average Daily Demand measure
  • Suggested EOQ measure
  • Suggested Maximum Days measure
  • Suggested Maximum Quantity measure
  • Suggested Minimum Days measure
  • Suggested Minimum Quantity measure
  • Suggested Order Quantity measure
  • Suggested Policy Type measure
  • Suggested Policy UOM measure
  • Suggested ROP Days measure
  • Suggested ROP Quantity measure
  • Suggested Safety Stock measure
View the suggested policy parameters by item-location combination for a policy comparison plan.
  • Items table
  • Manage Policy Assignments table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
  • Supplies and Demands table

Pivot Tables for Inventory Rebalancing

These pivot tables pertain to the inventory rebalancing functionality for replenishment plans:

Name Based on Use Available Drills
Cluster Analysis by Quantity Planned Shipments Quantity measure
  • View the rebalancing recommendations for a cluster.
  • View the rebalancing recommendations for a specific shipping lane that consists of a source location and a destination location.
  • View the highlighted top 10% of rebalancing recommendations by quantity.
Manage Rebalancing Recommendations table
Cluster Analysis by Value Planned Shipments Value measure
  • View the rebalancing recommendations for a cluster.
  • View the rebalancing recommendations for a specific shipping lane that consists of a source location and a destination location.
  • View the highlighted top 10% of rebalancing recommendations by value.
Manage Rebalancing Recommendations table
Rebalancing Analysis
  • Gross Forecast measure
  • Initial Excess for Rebalancing measure
  • Initial Shortage for Rebalancing measure
  • Net Forecast measure
  • On Hand measure
  • Planned Inbound Shipments measure
  • Planned Outbound Shipments measure
  • Projected Available Balance measure
  • Projected Inventory measure
  • Purchase Orders measure
  • Reserved Safety Stock measure
  • Safety Stock measure
  • Sales Orders measure
  • Transfer Orders measure
  • Perform time-phased analysis of the inventory rebalancing recommendations for an item-location combination.
  • Review the planned inbound and planned outbound shipments.
  • Analyze how various measures are calculated.
  • Items table
  • Rebalancing Details by Item Location table
Rebalancing Details by Item Location
  • Excess After Rebalancing measure
  • Excess Before Rebalancing measure
  • Excess Computation Window measure
  • Planned Inbound Shipments measure
  • Planned Outbound Shipments measure
  • Shortage After Rebalancing measure
  • Shortage Before Rebalancing measure
  • Shortage Computation Window measure
  • Review the excess inventory and inventory shortage for an item across the locations within a cluster.
  • Review the windows for computing the excess inventory and inventory shortage for all locations in a cluster.
Items table
Shortages by Item Location
  • Item Locations with Safety Stock Violations measure
  • Item Locations with Stockouts measure
  • Revenue measure
Identify the items that are out of stock at locations.
  • Manage Policy Parameters by Item table
  • Replenishment Workbench table

Other Pivot Tables for Replenishment Planning

These are other pivot tables that are available for replenishment plans:

Name Based on Use Available Drills
Analyze Consumption Demand: Item and Organization, Daily
  • Adjusted Consumption Forecast measure
  • Adjusted Consumption History measure
  • Consumption Forecast measure
  • Consumption Forecast MAPE measure
  • Consumption Forecast Status measure
  • Consumption History measure
  • Consumption History Average measure
  • Final Consumption Forecast measure
  • Final Consumption History measure
Review the consumption and forecast by item-location combination in daily buckets. NA
Analyze Consumption Demand: Item and Organization, Monthly
  • Adjusted Consumption Forecast measure
  • Adjusted Consumption History measure
  • Consumption Forecast measure
  • Consumption Forecast MAPE measure
  • Consumption Forecast Status measure
  • Consumption History measure
  • Consumption History Average measure
  • Final Consumption Forecast measure
  • Final Consumption History measure
Review the consumption and forecast by item-location combination in monthly buckets. NA
Analyze Demand: Item and Organization, Monthly
  • Adjusted Shipments Forecast measure
  • Adjusted Shipments History measure
  • Final Shipments Forecast measure
  • Final Shipments History measure
  • Sales Orders measure
  • Shipments Forecast measure
  • Shipments Forecast Bias measure
  • Shipments Forecast MAD measure
  • Shipments Forecast MAPE measure
  • Shipments History measure
Review the shipments history and forecast by item-location combination in monthly buckets. NA
Forecast Consumption Definitions
  • Consumption Forecast measure
  • Final Consumption History measure
View the final consumption history and consumption forecast by item and organization. NA
Forecast Shipments Definitions
  • Final Shipments Forecast measure
  • Final Shipments History measure
  • Shipments Forecast measure
View the final shipments history, shipments forecast, and final shipments forecast by item and organization. NA
Manage Forecast During Product Life Cycle
  • Change to Shipments Forecast Percentage measure
  • Adjusted Discontinuation Date measure
  • Adjusted Launch Date measure
  • Adjusted Shipments Forecast measure
  • Discontinuation Date measure
  • Final Discontinuation Date measure
  • Final Launch Date measure
  • Final Shipments Forecast measure
  • Launch Date measure
  • Shipments Forecast measure
Manage the shipments or bookings forecast for products. NA
Manage Product Life Cycle by Item and Date
  • Adjusted Discontinuation Date measure
  • Adjusted Launch Date measure
  • Discontinuation Date measure
  • Final Discontinuation Date measure
  • Final Launch Date measure
  • Launch Date measure
  • Shipments Forecast Status measure
Modify the launch and discontinuation dates for products. Manage Forecast During Product Life Cycle table

Other Tables for Replenishment Plans

These are other tables that are available for replenishment plans.

Name Use Available Drills
Exceptions Review the custom exceptions for replenishment plans. Seeded exceptions for replenishment plans aren't supported. NA
Item Relationships Review the relationships, such as end item substitution or supersession, defined between items.
  • Items table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Items Review the attributes for item-location combinations.
  • Item Relationships table
  • Manage Policy Comparison table
  • Manage Policy Parameters by Item table
  • Manage Rebalancing Recommendations table
  • Replenishment Policy Parameters table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
  • Suppliers table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Manage Policy Assignments
  • Review and simulate changes to the policy parameters, default policy parameters, and policy parameter overrides at the segment level.
  • View the policy overrides for item-location combinations.
Manage Policy Comparison
  • Review and manage the policy comparison process.
  • Accept, review, or update policy suggestions.
  • Manage Policy Parameters by Item table
  • Replenishment Policy Parameters table
  • Suggested Replenishment Policy Parameters table
Manage Rebalancing Recommendations
  • View the planned orders that are recommended after inventory rebalancing.
  • Manually release the planned orders.
  • Items table
  • Rebalancing Analysis table
  • Rebalancing Details by Item Location table
Suppliers Review the details of approved suppliers for an item.
  • Items table
  • Supplies and Demands table
Supplies and Demands
  • View the details of supplies and demands, create supplies and demands, and perform simulations.
  • Review the details of replenishment orders, and manually release them.
  • Item Relationships table
  • Items table
  • Replenishment Policy Parameters table
  • Replenishment Workbench table
  • Suppliers table