Publish Order Forecasts to Suppliers

You publish order forecasts to your suppliers to enable them to commit supply and indicate their ability to meet the demand. Collaborating with suppliers by publishing an order forecast enables:

  • Suppliers to send supply commits to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

  • OEMs to receive supply commits as supplier capacity

Collaboration enables suppliers to get an insight into the demand that the OEMs forecast and plan supply chain activities to meet the demand. Additionally, collaboration with suppliers enables OEMs to plan their downstream activities in the supply chain more efficiently.

Use the Collaboration Basis column in the Suppliers tab on the Maintain Supply Network Model page to indicate the basis on which you want to publish the order forecast to your suppliers. You can choose to publish the order forecast at the supplier and supplier site levels based on one of the following dates:

  • Start date: Suppliers use the start date to know when they need to start manufacturing an order to fulfill the order on time

  • Dock date: Suppliers use the dock date to know the date by which they need to fulfill the order