Set Up Policy Comparisons and Retain Policy Overrides

You can compare policies and retain policy overrides for a replenishment plan for which the Calculate policy parameters check box is selected on the Plan Options page.

Additionally, while the Generate forecast check box may or may not be selected, the Calculate replenishments and Rebalance inventory check boxes can't be selected.

Follow these steps to set up policy comparisons and retain policy overrides:

  1. Open the Plan Options page for the replenishment plan through one of these ways:

    • Use the Manage Plans page:

      1. On the Tasks panel tab, under Plans, select Manage Plans.

        The Manage Plans page opens.

      2. Under Search Results, select the replenishment plan that you want to edit, and click Actions > Edit Plan Options.

    • On the Plans panel tab, under Plans, right-click the replenishment plan that you want to edit, and select Edit Plan Options.

  2. On the Scope tab of the Plan Options page, click Select Advanced Options.

    The Scope: Advanced Options dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Enable for policy comparison check box.

    The Threshold Percentage for Policy Comparison field and Retain policy overrides check box are enabled.

  4. In the Threshold Percentage for Policy Comparison field, enter the deviation percentage for automatically accepting newly calculated policy parameters.

    If the deviation percentage between a newly calculated policy parameter and an existing policy parameter is less than the threshold value, the newly calculated policy parameter is automatically accepted.

  5. Select the Retain policy overrides check box to retain manual policy overrides after the replenishment plan is run with the Refresh with current data option selected on the Parameters tab in the Run Plan dialog box.

    If you don't select this check box, the policy overrides you made are overwritten the next time you run the replenishment plan and refresh it with current data.

    If you select this check box, your policy overrides are retained even if the deviation percentages for the newly calculated policy parameters are within the threshold percentage.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Save your changes.