Add or Replace Items in Your Build Plan

Use the Configure Build Plan dialog box to configure the list of items, resources, and suppliers that you want to include in your Build Plan.

Select components and resources that relate to an end item, items that are produced on a specific resource, or the set of end items that relate to a specific component.

Follow these steps to add or replace items in your Build Plan.

  1. Open your plan:

    1. In the Navigator, click the Supply Planning work area.

    2. Click the Tasks panel tab.

    3. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Manage Plans link.

    4. Search for and open your plan.

  2. Open the Build Plan table:

    1. From your plan, click the Open button.

    2. In the Open Table, Graph, or Tile Set dialog box, search for the Build Plan table.

    3. Select Build Plan and then click OK.

  3. In the Build Plan table, click the Levels to Display drop-down list and select a level. This action determines the list of available items, resources, and supplier items that you can pick from.

    Levels to Display Choice

    Results Shown

    All levels down

    For the selected item or category, all the lower-level items and resources are shown. Components that have buy from sourcing rules are also shown in the Items section.

    Next level down

    The items, item-suppliers, and resources one level down from the selected item are shown.

    All levels up

    All the items whose multilevel supply chain bill includes the selected item are shown. Item-suppliers or resources are never displayed with this choice.

    Next level up

    All the items whose single level supply chain bill includes the selected item are shown. Item-suppliers or resources are never displayed with this choice.

    Lowest level

    For the selected item, all the lower level components and their suppliers are shown. Resources are never displayed with this choice.

    End items

    The end items related to the selected item or resource are shown. Item-suppliers or resources are never displayed with this choice.

    If you defined a value for the Number of Days to Calculate Pegging in the plan options, then the planning process only considers end items that have demands within the specified time window to calculate pegging.

    Produced items

    The items whose work definitions include the selected resource are shown. Item-suppliers or resources are never displayed with this choice.

    Related output items

    For the selected item/organization or category, all items that appear as output items in the work definitions are shown.

  4. After you select a level to display, you can do the following in the Items, Resources, and Suppliers sections:

    • Filter items and suppliers by catalog.

    • Filter items and suppliers by category.

    • Perform a query by example on columns.

    • Select all or a subset of rows to include in your Build Plan.

  5. After you select the set of items, resources, and suppliers, do one of the following:

    • Click the Add button to add the selected items and resources to your Build Plan.

    • Click the Replace button to replace the current contents of your Build Plan with the selected items and resources.