Considerations for Changing the Organization for a Sales Order

You can change the organization for a drop ship sales order or a regular sales order, depending on the associated supplier or supplier site. The following situations summarize how the drop ship or regular sales order is affected when you change the organization.

Drop ship sales order for an outsourced manufacturing organization

You can change the current organization to any other organization. Consider the following points when you change the organization:

  • If you change the current organization to another organization that has an associated supplier or supplier site, the sales order remains a drop ship sales order. The supplier and supplier site on the sales order will reflect the value associated with the new organization on the sales order.

  • If you change the current organization to a drop ship validation organization, you have to manually provide a supplier or supplier site. List of values for the supplier or supplier site includes only those suppliers or supplier sites that are not associated with any organization.

  • If you change the current organization to an internal organization, the supplier and supplier site are set to blank values. The drop ship sales order becomes a regular sales order.

You cannot make line edits to the supplier or supplier site in the drop ship sales order on the Supplies and Demand page.

Drop ship sales order for a drop ship validation organization

You can change your current organization to any other organization. Consider the following points when you change the organization:

  • If you change the current organization to an organization that has an associated supplier or supplier site, then the supplier and supplier site on the drop ship sales order gets changed to reflect the ones associated with the new organization. The sales order still remains a drop ship sales order.

  • If you change the current organization to an internal organization, the supplier and supplier site are set to blank values. The drop ship sales order becomes a regular sales order.

You can make line edits to the supplier or supplier site in the drop ship sales order on the Supplies and Demands page. List of values for the supplier or supplier site includes only those suppliers or supplier sites that are not associated with any organization.

Regular sales order for an internal organization

You can change your current organization to any other organization. Consider the following points when you change the organization:

  • If you change the current organization to an organization that has an associated supplier or supplier site, the regular sales order is converted into a drop ship sales order. The supplier or supplier site in the newly converted drop ship sales order reflects the supplier or supplier site associated with the new organization.

  • If you change the current organization to the drop ship validation organization, you have to manually provide a supplier or supplier site. List of values for a supplier or supplier site includes only those suppliers or supplier sites that are not associated with any organization.

  • If you change the current organization to another internal organization, the sales order still remains an internal sales order.

Regular sales order for an outsourced manufacturing organization

You cannot make any changes to the organization, or to the supplier or supplier site.