General Parameters for Advanced Supply Options

Use the General Parameters section in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box to configure the following supply plan options:

  • Horizon for average daily demand
  • Include scheduled receipts in use-up calculation
  • Include drop ship demands and supplies
  • Plan external manufacturer supplies
  • Don’t consider in-transit supplies as firm

Don’t Consider In-Transit Supplies as Firm

By default, supplies that are in transit and shipments that are in receiving are considered firm. However, if you select the Don’t consider in-transit supplies as firm check box in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, then the plan will consider them as not firm and can reschedule these supplies as needed to meet demand.

The benefits of treating in-transit supplies as not firm are elimination of redundant new planned order generation to meet the supply shortfalls within the in-transit time fence and reduction of excess inventory by using it to meet the earlier demand. For example, if the in-transit supply is coming on week 4 and demand is on week 2, then with this option selected, in-transit supplies are treated as not firm and are rescheduled to meet the earlier demand without generating an extra planned order.

The Don’t consider in-transit supplies as firm option is supported for both unconstrained and constrained supply plans. In constrained plans, the related Enforce lead times for in-transit supplies option is enabled only if the Don’t consider in-transit supplies as firm option is selected. In unconstrained plans, the Enforce lead times for in-transit supplies option is always disabled.

Access the General Parameters section from a Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, or Planning Central work area.

Use these steps to navigate to the General Parameters section in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box.

  1. Open a plan:
    1. In a Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, or Planning Central work area, click the Tasks panel drawer.
    2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Manage Plans.
    3. In the Search area, search for your plan.
    4. Select the plan from the displayed search result.
  2. Click Actions and then click Edit Plan Options.
  3. On the Edit Plan Options page, click the Supply tab.
  4. On the General subtab, click Select Advanced Options.

    The Supply: Advanced Options dialog box opens, which includes the General Parameters section.