How Exceptions are Calculated in Supply Plans That Use Telescoping Time Buckets

When you use telescoping buckets in your supply plan, the planning process handles exception messages based on what you specify for Planning Time Buckets in plan options.

This table explains how the planning process calculates exceptions when you use time buckets larger than days.

Exception Type

Calculation Logic

  • Orders To Be Rescheduled In

  • Orders To Be Rescheduled Out

The planning process generates reschedule exceptions only if the supply orders get rescheduled across planning time buckets.

Any reschedules of the order due dates within a planning time bucket doesn't trigger reschedule exceptions.

  • Late Supply Pegged to Sales Order

  • Late Supply Pegged to Forecast

  • Late Replenishment for Sales Order

  • Late Replenishment for Forecast

The planning process generates late supply or late replenishment exceptions only if the supply and demand dates are in different planning time buckets.

For example, a sales order suggested due date is in the middle of a week. The suggested due date of the supply is the last working day of the week. In this case, the planning process doesn't generate a Late Supply Pegged to Sales Order or Late Replenishment for Sales Order exception.

However, suppose you have a sales order suggested due date in the middle of a week. The suggested due date of the supply is the first working day of the following week. In this case, the planning process generates an exception.

  • Items with a Shortage

  • Items Below Safety Stock

The planning process creates an exception only if the available quantity is less than the required quantity at the planning time bucket level. The planning process evaluates item shortages by using the projected available balance on the last day of the planning time bucket.

The planning process ignores daily fluctuations within a planning time bucket.

  • Items with Excess Inventory

The planning process creates an exception only if the available quantity is greater than the required quantity at the planning time bucket level. The planning process evaluates item excesses by using the projected available balance on the last day of the planning time bucket.

The planning process ignores daily fluctuations within a planning time bucket.

  • Resource Overloaded

  • Supplier Capacity Overloaded

The planning process creates an exception only if the available capacity is less than the required capacity at the planning time bucket level.

For example, in a weekly bucket, a resource can have some overloads within the week on a few days. As long as the available capacity at the week level is more than the required capacity, the planning process doesn't generate a resource overload exception.

The planning process ignores daily fluctuations within a planning time bucket.