Pegging Analysis View

Using the Pegging Analysis view, you can analyze pegging relationships between supplies and demands of different items. For example, you can analyze how supplies of component items are pegged to sales orders and forecasts.

The view displays the quantity of supplies that are pegged to demands.

You can group supplies by the Item, Order Type, Organization, Suggested Due Date, or Supplier attributes. Similarly, you can group demands by the Item, Order Type, Organization, Suggested Due Date, or Customer attributes. You can choose to look at demand items one level below the supply items or look at the end demand items that are pegged to the supply items. You can view the pegged supply quantity as it is or as a percentage of the total supply quantity. Pegging Criteria controls the layout of the pegging analysis view. The Application Default pegging criteria is the predefined layout. You can save the group by criteria and display options as Pegging Criteria. You can later select this Pegging Criteria from within the Pegging Analysis view. You can mark the criteria as Public or Private.

You can open the Pegging Analysis view using the drill-down action from the Items, Supplies and Demands, and Demand Fulfillment page. From the Pegging Analysis view, you can further drill down to supplies or demands depending on your need. When you drill down to supplies, you open the Supplies and Demand view where you see only the supply items. Similarly, if you drill down to demands, you open the Supplies and Demands view where you see only the demand items. You can also drill down to Items and Item Structure pages.