See Downtime Alerts on Planning Advisor

After you enable getting alerts and anomalies reports from Production Monitoring, run the supply plan with the organizations including the resources you have setup in Production Monitoring.

You can see the number of events generated by Production Monitoring for those resources in the red notification box at the plan header. Click Planning Advisor on the plan banner to see the details of events generated. Here's how you see the alerts on Planning Advisor:
  1. Open a plan and click Planning Advisor.
  2. Select Production Monitoring for Recommendation Type.
  3. To see the open downtime events pending for resolution, select Open for Status.
  4. Select Resource or Resource Instance for Search to search by a resource or its instance.
  5. Set a Confidence Level. Confidence level shows confidence of prediction. You can search the recommendations based on certain confidence levels. For example, confidence level greater than 60%. Confidence level can have the following operators:
    • Equals
    • Greater than
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal to
    • Greater than or equal to
  6. Click Search.

    The engine searches for recommendations within a plan that have resources with a possible downtime. The headers of recommendation are a combination of resource name: work center: organization.

  7. Expand a recommendation to see predictions and anomalies reported for a resource.

Prediction and Anomalies

Predictions and anomalies are generated for a resource instance. Predictions are generated with a confidence level and a prediction time window. Confidence level shows the chances of a prediction to come true. A high confidence percentage shows more chances of machine failure.


This section shows the resource instance to which the prediction belongs, the date of generating the report, and confidence level. Confidence level depicts the possibility of a machine failure, in a prediction time window.

Predictions section also shows a Suggestion that has a link to the Resource Availability page. You can change the availability of the resource alerted in this prediction.


While predictions predict the future state of a machine, such as chances of a machine failure in next time bucket, anomalies provide alerts on current machine health that need attention to avoid production delays.

This section shows resource instance, date of generating the report, and the anomaly detected in the machine that may lead to the downtime prediction.

Responding to an Event

After analyzing the recommendations, click the Modify Resource Availability link to update the resource availability. Do the necessary changes and simulate the supply plan. This helps you analyze the impact and minimize the demand lateness caused by potential resource failures.

After implementing the suggestion, you can close the prediction to indicate that you have taken a necessary action. Click Close to change the status of the recommendation to Closed. If you want to resolve the alert by taking an action different from the one suggested, you can choose to ignore the recommendation by clicking Ignore so that the recommendation won’t reappear on open recommendations. You can always reopen the status for a resource to get future predictions.
Note: The statuses don't changes between the supply plan runs or immediately after the Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts scheduled process is started.

You can search for recommendations that are in Open, Closed, or Ignored statuses and take actions as required.

You can also filter the recommendations based on different confidence levels. For example, if you are interested in looking for predictions having confidence level more than 70%. You can also search the recommendations for a specific resource or a resource instance.

Note: Apart from getting Production Monitoring recommendations through supply plan run, you can also schedule the Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts scheduled process to get the production monitoring events in the real time.