Supply Planning Behavior and Concepts for Process Manufacturing

Let's talk about the business logic employed by Supply Planning when it plans process manufacturing facilities and activities.

In a constrained supply plan, you need to understand some of the behavior and concepts for process manufacturing, such as the following:

  • Supply planning behavior

  • Considerations when you define and plan for process manufacturing

  • Batch quantity concepts

Supply Planning Behavior

The following are some supply planning behaviors for process manufacturing:

  • The supply planning process plans for existing process work orders and recommends new supplies, based on process work definitions.

  • The planning process recommends new supplies in proportion to the output quantities for primary, co-product, and by-product supplies.

  • The batch quantity linearly scales to the primary output quantity and all the output and input items on the work definition.

  • For existing process work orders, the supply planning process considers operation level scrap to determine the remaining planned quantities of output products associated with current and future operations.

  • If an item is the primary output in one work definition and a co-product in another work definition, the work definition in which it's the primary output is used to create a supply for this item to meet demand.

Considerations When You Define and Plan for Process Manufacturing

Consider these points when you define and plan for process manufacturing work definitions in a constrained supply plan.

  • The unique criteria for work definition selection by supply planning is based on primary output item, work definition name, and highest production priority.

  • At any given point in time, an output item can be associated to one and only one operation. The same product can't be completed from multiple operations.

  • A work definition operation can complete more than one output item.

  • Output of one operation can't be the input product at the last operation.

  • It's not mandatory to attach any output product at the last operation.

  • Item shrinkage is supported for process work orders and planned orders.

Batch Quantity Concepts

Using batch quantity while defining a work definition helps you to specify the product outputs, ingredients, and resource usages with a user-friendly range of numbers instead of small fractions or large numbers.

There are some additional batch quantity concepts. Batch quantity:

  • Is the quantity of the production batch used for batch sizing and scaling.

  • Is the quantity that moves between the operations in a work order.

  • Linearly scales to the primary output quantity and all the output and input items in the work definition.

  • Can't add up to the sum of the quantities for the output items, or the sum of the input items, or both.