Cost Elements

The Cost Elements view object contains all the cost elements used in cost management. These cost elements help in providing break-up of item cost into various elements as per business requirement of cost accounting and management accounting.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CostElementExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CostElementBPEOCostElementId

Initial Extract Date : CostElementBPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CostElementBPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CostElementBPEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar1 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar10 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar11 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar12 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar13 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar14 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar15 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar16 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar17 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar18 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar19 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar2 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar20 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar3 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar4 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar5 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar6 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar7 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar8 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeChar9 Character segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Cost Element descriptive flexfield.
CostElementBPEOCostElementCode Code specified by user that identifies the cost element code.
CostElementBPEOCostElementId Value that uniquely identifies the cost element. This is the primary key of the Cost Elements view object.
CostElementBPEOCostElementType Type of the cost element. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_ELEMENT_TYPES.
CostElementBPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost element.
CostElementBPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost element was created.
CostElementBPEOInvOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization associated with the cost element.
CostElementBPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost element last updated.
CostElementBPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost element.
CostElementBPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost element.
CostElementBPEOSetId Value that uniquely identifies the reference data set.
CostElementTLPEOCostElementDesc Description of the cost element.
CostElementTLPEOCostElementId Value that uniquely identifies the cost element. This is the primary key of the Cost Elements view object.
CostElementTLPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost element.
CostElementTLPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost element was created.
CostElementTLPEOLanguage Code that identifies the language into which the contents of the cost element translatable columns are translated.
CostElementTLPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost element was last updated.
CostElementTLPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost element.
CostElementTLPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost element.
CostElementTLPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the cost element has been updated.
CostElementTLPEOSourceLang Code that identifies the language in which the contents of the cost element translatable columns were originally created.