Cost Analysis Codes

The Cost Analysis Codes view object contains the cost analysis codes.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstAnalysisCodesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AnalysisCodesBPEOAnalysisId

Initial Extract Date : AnalysisCodesBPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : AnalysisCodesBPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AnalysisCodesBPEOAnalysisCode Code that identifies the cost analysis.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAnalysisGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the cost analysis group under which the cost analysis code is used.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAnalysisId Value that uniquely identifies the cost analysis code. This is the primary key of Cost Analysis Codes view object.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeCategory Context name for Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar1 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar10 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar11 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar12 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar13 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar14 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar15 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar16 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar17 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar18 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar19 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar2 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar20 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar3 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar4 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar5 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar6 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar7 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar8 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeChar9 Character segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Cost Analysis Code descriptive flexfield.
AnalysisCodesBPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesBPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost analysis code was created.
AnalysisCodesBPEODefaultAnalysisCodeFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the cost analysis code is the default code. If N, then the cost analysis code isn't the default code. The default value is N.
AnalysisCodesBPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the cost analysis was last updated.
AnalysisCodesBPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesBPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOAnalysisDesc Description of the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOAnalysisId Value that uniquely identifies the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost analysis code was created.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOLanguage Language into which the contents of the cost analysis code translatable columns are translated.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the cost analysis was last updated.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost analysis code.
AnalysisCodesTLPEOSourceLang Language in which the contents of the cost analysis code translatable columns were originally created.