Cost of Goods Sold Details

The Cost of Goods Sold Details view object contains COGS information that's used in gross margin calculations. The cost of goods sold includes shipping and handling charges for the internal sales.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstCogsDetailsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstCogsDetailsPEOCogsDetailId

Initial Extract Date : CstCogsDetailsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstCogsDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstCogsDetailsPEOAccountedFlag An attribute indicating whether the details have been accounted. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_ACCOUNTED_FLAG.
CstCogsDetailsPEOAccountingLineType The accounting line type of the costing distribution line.
CstCogsDetailsPEOAgreementNumber The agreement number associated with the financial orchestration flow.
CstCogsDetailsPEOBaseCurrencyCode The currency code associated with the COGS details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOBaseTxnActionId Identifier of the inventory transaction action. For origin as INV, the value is from the lookup type INV_TRANSACTION_ACTIONS. For origin as CST, the value is from the lookup type CST_BASE_TXN_ACTIONS.
CstCogsDetailsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Identifier of the inventory transaction source type. For origin as INV, the value is from the INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES_TL table. For origin as CST, the value is from the lookup type CST_BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES.
CstCogsDetailsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Identifier of the inventory transaction type. For origin as INV, the value is from the INV_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL table.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCogsAccountId The code combination identifier of the account entered by the user when creating the transactions.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCogsAmount The cost of goods sold amount.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCogsDetailId The unique identifier of the COGS detail. This is the primary key of the COGS Details view object.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCogsType The COGS type for the details. If the invoice or contract is expected from the external systems like Receivables, Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and Revenue Management, then the valid value is Invoice. If the invoice isn't expected from the external system, then the valid value is Due To or From.
CstCogsDetailsPEOConfigInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the configured item associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCostBookId The unique identifier of the cost book associated with the cost organization.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCostElementId The unique identifier of the cost element associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCostElementType The type of the cost element. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_ELEMENT_TYPES.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCostOrgId The unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCostTransactionUom The unit of measure code of the transaction quantity.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCreatedBy The user who created the COGS detail row.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCreationDate The date when the COGS detail row was created.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCtDooFullfillLineId The unique identifier of the fulfillment line associated with the costing transaction. In the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO, this can be different from the one used in gross margin calculation.
CstCogsDetailsPEOCustomerId The unique identifier of the bill to customer.
CstCogsDetailsPEODcogsAmount The deferred cost of goods sold amount.
CstCogsDetailsPEODistributionId The unique identifier of the costing distribution.
CstCogsDetailsPEODistributionLineId The unique identifier of the costing distribution line.
CstCogsDetailsPEODooFullfillLineId The unique identifier of the fulfillment line associated with the details. This is used in gross margin calculation.
CstCogsDetailsPEODooOrderNumber The order number associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEODooOrderType The type of the order associated with the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstCogsDetailsPEOEventId The identifier of the event created in the SLA for the costing distribution.
CstCogsDetailsPEOFlowInstanceId The unique identifier of the trade events for the financial orchestration flow.
CstCogsDetailsPEOGlDate Accounting date of the costing distribution in the general ledger.
CstCogsDetailsPEOInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the item associated with the details. The item is used in gross margin calculation.
CstCogsDetailsPEOInventoryOrgId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOItemOrganizationId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the item.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the COGS detail row was last updated.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the COGS detail row.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the COGS detail row.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLayerQuantity The quantity associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the cost organization book where the costing distribution is recorded.
CstCogsDetailsPEOLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the cost organization.
CstCogsDetailsPEOMarginCalcFlag The applicable values are N, X, and NULL. If NULL, then the gross margin is calculated for the row. If N, then the gross margin isn't calculated for the row. If X, then the row is excluded from the gross margin calculation.
CstCogsDetailsPEOProfitCenterBuId The unique identifier of the profit center business unit associated with the cost organization.
CstCogsDetailsPEORootInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the root or model item in the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO.
CstCogsDetailsPEOShipToCustomerId The unique identifier of the ship to customer.
CstCogsDetailsPEOSourceDocNo The number of the source document associated with the details.
CstCogsDetailsPEOSourceDocType The type of the source document associated with the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstCogsDetailsPEOSuccessorBuId The unique identifier of the successor business unit for the financial orchestration flow.
CstCogsDetailsPEOSuccessorInvOrgId The unique identifier of the successor inventory organization for the financial orchestration flow.
CstCogsDetailsPEOTxnInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the item associated with the costing transaction. In the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO, this can be different from the one used in gross margin calculation.