Cost of Goods Sold Transactions

The Cost of Goods Sold Transactions view object stores COGS and RMA recognition transactions created by the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstCogsTransactionsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : CstCogsTransactionsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstCogsTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstCogsTransactionsPEOAccountingStatus Value that identifies the accounting status of the transaction. Possible values are: D, E, F, N, X, and Z. D indicates draft accounted. E indicates error. F indicates final accounted. N indicates not accounted. X indicates excluded from accounting. Z indicates not applicable.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCogsPercentage Value that identifies the percentage of COGS and RMA recognition.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCostBookId The unique identifier of the cost book associated with the cost organization.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCostOrgId The unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCostStatus Value that identifies the costing status of the transaction. Possible values are: C, E, P, N, P, X, and W. C indicates fully costed. E indicates error. N indicates not processed. P indicates partially costed. X indicates excluded. W indicates pending.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCreatedBy User who created the COGS transaction row.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCreationDate Date when the COGS transaction row was created.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOCstTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the costing transaction. This is the primary key of the costing transactions view object.
CstCogsTransactionsPEODeliveryId Value that uniquely identifies the delivery associated with the shipment transaction.
CstCogsTransactionsPEODocumentType Value that identifies the revenue event. Possibles values are: INV, CM, DM, REV_CONTRACT, and NULL. INV indicates invoice. CM indicates credit memo. DM indicates debit memo. REV_CONTRACT indicates revenue contract. NULL Indicates this is for ship-only and return-only flows
CstCogsTransactionsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOInventoryOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization to which the item belongs.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the COGS transaction row was last updated.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the COGS transaction row.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the COGS transaction row.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOLeTimezoneCode Value that identifies the legal entity time zone. If NULL, then LE time zone isn't enabled for the data in the row and the dates are assumed to be in database time zone.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOPostedFlag Value that identifies whether the cost information for the COGS transaction is available in cst_cogs_layer_costs table. Possible values are: N and Y.N indicates the cost record isn't yet created. Y indicates the cost record is created.
CstCogsTransactionsPEORevenueLineId Value that uniquely identifies the costing revenue line. This is the primary key of the costing revenue lines view object.
CstCogsTransactionsPEORmaTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the receipt associated with the RMA receipt transaction.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOShipmentFullfillLineId Value that uniquely identifies the fulfillment line in distributed order orchestration against which sales order shipment or RMA receipt transactions have been performed. In case of split, it has the reference to the unique identifier of the source fulfillment line.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionActionId Value that identifies the transaction action. Possible values are: 1 and 9. 1 indicates COGS recognition. 9 indicates RMA recognition.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionDate Date of COGS and RMA recognition transactions.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the COGS transaction. This is the primary key of the COGS transactions view object.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionSourceTypeId Value that identifies the transaction source type. This will be 0 for both COGS and RMA recognition transactions.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOTransactionTypeId Value that identifies the transaction type. Possible values are: 1 and 9. 1 indicates COGS recognition. 9 indicates RMA recognition.
CstCogsTransactionsPEOVariancePostedFlag Value that identifies whether the variance cost information is available in cst_cogs_variance_costs table. Possible values are: N and Y. N indicates the cost record isn't yet created. Y indicates the cost record is created.