Gross Margin Details

The Gross Margin Details view object contains the cost of goods sold, revenue, and gross margin information for the internal sales transactions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstGrossMarginDetailsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOGrossMarginDetailId

Initial Extract Date : CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCogsAccountId The code combination identifier of the account entered by the user while creating the transactions.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOConfigInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the configured item associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCostBookId The unique identifier of the cost book associated with the cost organization.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCostOrgId The unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCreatedBy The user who created the gross margin detail row.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCreationDate The date when the gross margin detail row was created.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCurrencyCode The currency code associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCustomerId The unique identifier of the bill to customer.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOCustomerType The customer type indicating whether the customer is internal or external. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CUSTOMER_TYPE.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEODocLineId The unique identifier of the fulfillment line associated with the details. This is used in gross margin calculation.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEODooOrderNumber The order number associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEODooOrderType The type of the order associated with the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOGlDate The accounting date of the gross margin record in the general ledger.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOGrossMarginDetailId The unique identifier of the gross margin detail. This is the primary key of the Gross Margin Details view object.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the item associated with the details. This is used in gross margin calculation.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInventoryOrgId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInvoiceId The unique identifier of the invoice or the customer contract header.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInvoiceLineId The unique identifier of the invoice or the performance obligation line.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInvoiceNumber The invoice or the contract number associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOInvoiceSource The source of the invoice or contract associated with the details. Applicable values are: DOO - Distributed Order Orchestration, FOS or SFO - Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, and CST - Costing.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOItemOrganizationId The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with the item.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the gross margin detail row was last updated.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the gross margin detail row.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the gross margin detail row.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOOrderTypeCode The order type code associated with the details. The value is from the order management table DOO_HEADERS_ALL.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOProfitCenterBuId The unique identifier of the profit center business unit associated with the cost organization.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedCogsAmount The recognized COGS amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedCogsOverheadAmt The recognized COGS overhead amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedCogsProfitAmt The recognized COGS profit amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedCogsResourceAmt The recognized COGS resource amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedGrossMargin The recognized gross margin amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORecognizedRev The recognized revenue amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORevenueRecognitionSrc The revenue source, which can be Receivables or Revenue Management. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_REV_RECOGNITION_SRC.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEORootInventoryItemId The unique identifier of the root or model item in the case of complex flows involving KIT, PTO, or ATO.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOShipToCustomerId The unique identifier of the ship to customer.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOShipmentNumber The number of the source document associated with the details.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOShipmentType The type of the source document associated with the details. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_DOC_FLOW_TYPES.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOSuccessorBuId The unique identifier of the successor business unit for the financial orchestration flow.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedCogsAmount The unrecognized COGS amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedCogsOverheadAmt The unrecognized COGS overhead amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedCogsProfitAmt The unrecognized COGS profit amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedCogsResourceAmt The unrecognized COGS resource amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedGrossMargin The unrecognized gross margin amount.
CstGrossMarginDetailsPEOUnrecognizedRev The unrecognized revenue amount.