In Transit on Hand Valuations

The In Transit on Hand Valuations view object contains in transit inventory valuation with quantities at the inventory organization level and the costs as total cost.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstIntrOnhandValuationsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOValuationId

Initial Extract Date : CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOAccountedFlag Value that indicates that the valuation row is accounted.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOAcctdCmrRcvQuantity Value that identifies the accounted received quantity in receipt accounting for the flow where transfer receipts aren't processed in the cost accounting.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOAcctdOnhandValue Value that identifies the in transit on hand valuation that's accounted.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOAcctdQuantityOnhand Value that identifies the accounted quantity on hand for the period.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOBusinessUnitId Value that identifies the business unit associated to the in transit node.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCmrRcvProcessedFlag Value that indicates that the expense receipt from receipt accounting has been processed for the in transit flow. Valued values are N or Null. If N, then it isn't processed. If NULL, then it has been processed or isn't applicable.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCmrRcvQuantity Value that identifies the received quantity in receipt accounting for the flow where transfer receipts aren't processed in the cost accounting.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOConsignedFlag Value that indicates that the in transit on hand quantity is for consigned transactions.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCostBookId Value that identifies the cost book assigned to the cost organization.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCostOrgId Value that identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCreationDate Date and time that the row was created.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOCurrencyCode Value that identifies the currency of the transaction.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOEndDate Value that identifies the identifies the date effectivity. The information in the row is valid up to this date.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOExpenseTransactionFlag Value that indicates that the in transit on hand quantity is for expense transactions.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOInventoryItemId Value that identifies the inventory item for which the on hand quantity is maintained.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization for the in transit node.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOItemOrganizationId Value that identifies the master organization used for item lookup and validation. The item may or may not be defined for in transit organizations.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time the row was last updated.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the row.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOOnhandValue Value that identifies the in transit on hand valuation for a given item, organization, and cost element.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the valuation exists.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOPriorValuationId Value that identifies the prior period valuation row in this table.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOQuantityOnhand Value that identifies the owned in transit quantity for the period.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOShipFromInvOrgId Value that identifies the ship from inventory organization for the transfer flow.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOShipToInvOrgId Value that identifies the ship to inventory organization for the transfer flow.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOStartDate Value that identifies the date of the snapshot of on hand inventory and cost taken for reporting in OTBI analysis.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTransactionFlowType Value that identifies the identifies the in transit flow type.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTransferTxnId Value that identifies the shipment transaction identifier for the transfer flow.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Value that identifies the document number of the in transit valuation.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTxnSourceDocType Value that identifies the document type of the in transit valuation.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Value that identifies the reference document of the in transit valuation.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Value that identifies the reference document type of the in transit valuation.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure of the quantities.
CstIntrOnhandValuationsPEOValuationId Value that identifies the surrogate key that identifies a row in this table.