Periodic Average Costs

The Periodic Average Costs view object contains current and historical periodic average costs.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstPeriodicAvgCostsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPeriodicCostId

Initial Extract Date : CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOAdjustedPriorPeriodCost Value that identifies the adjusted periodic average cost at the beginning of current period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOAdjustmentAmount Value that identifies the total amount of PAC adjustments.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCalculatedPeriodicAvgCost Value that identifies the calculated periodic average cost for the current period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCostBookId Value that identifies the cost book assigned to the cost organization.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCostElementId Value that identifies the cost element corresponding to the cost of the transaction.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCostOrgId Value that identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCostOwnedTxnAmount Value that identifies the total amount of the cost owned transactions.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCostOwnedTxnQuantity Value that identifies the quantity of cost owned transactions.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCreationDate Date and time when the row was created.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCreationSource Value that identifies events where the cost processor assigns a zero cost for an item when there are no cost owned transactions in the period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCurrencyCode Value that identifies the currency code corresponding to the transaction.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOCurrentPeriodOnhand Value that identifies the current period ending on hand quantity.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOInventoryItemId Value that identifies the item associated with the transaction.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time the row was last updated.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEONewCostElementFlag Value that identifies that the cost element is created in the current period. Valid values are Y and null. If Y, then the cost element is created in the current period. If null, then the cost element isn't created in the current period. Instead, it's propagated from the prior period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period for which the cost is calculated.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPeriodicAvgCost Value that identifies the periodic average cost.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPeriodicAvgCostAdjVariance Value that identifies the periodic average cost adjustment amount.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPeriodicCostId Value that uniquely identifies the periodic average cost record.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPriorPeriodCost Value that identifies the periodic average cost of the item in the prior period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPriorPeriodOnhand Value that identifies the on-hand quantity of the item in the prior period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPriorPeriodicCostId Value that identifies the periodic average cost record in the prior period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOPropPacToNextPeriod Value that indicates that the periodic average cost is propagated to the next period. Valid values are N and NULL. If N, then the periodic average cost hasn't been propagated to the next period. If NULL, then the periodic average cost has been propagated to the next period.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOTxnAdjustmentAmount Value that identifies the total amount of adjustment received against cost owned transaction during the period. Examples of such adjustment are acquisition cost adjustment or receipt cost adjustment.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure for the transaction quantity.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOValUnitId Value that identifies the valuation unit identifier associated with the cost.
CstPeriodicAvgCostPEOValueAdjustmentAmount Value that identifies the total amount of value adjustments submitted and processed for the period.