Costing Work Order Outside Processing Costs

The Costing Work Order Outside Processing Costs view object contains the breakup of outside processing cost at the cost element and expense pool level, which is used to create accounting distributions for the outside processing transactions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstWOOSPCostsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstWOOSPCostsPEOWoOspCostId

Initial Extract Date : CstWOOSPCostsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstWOOSPCostsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstWOOSPCostsPEOAbsorptionType Type of absorption on the transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_ABSORPTION_TYPE.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Code that identifies additional processing information for the cost transaction. Contains one of the following values: ACQUISITION, TRANSFER, or NULL. ACQUISITION indicates acquisition cost adjustment. TRANSFER indicates transaction is part of global procurement. NULL indicates no additional processing information. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the type of inventory transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostDate Cost date of the outside processing transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostElementId Value that uniquely identifies the cost element. This is the primary key of the Cost Elements view object.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization associated with the plant where the work order is carried out.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostReference Reference that identifies a specific business object or value which further refines the cost source information, such as the identifier of the source cost organization or an effective date.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostSource Source of the cost. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_SOURCES.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCostTransactionType Type of cost transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_QUANTITY_FLOW.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing work order outside processing.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the costing work order outside processing cost was created.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOCurrencyCode Code that identifies the currency of the cost organization and cost book in which the resource transaction is processed.
CstWOOSPCostsPEODistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the distribution header, if the distributions have been created for the outside processing transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOEffDate Effective date of the cost used to create the transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOExpensePoolId Value that uniquely identifies the expense pool against which the cost is captured. This is the primary key of the Overhead Expense Pools view object.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the service item.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the costing work order outside processing cost was last updated.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the costing work order outside processing cost.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing work order outside processing cost.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOPostedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the distributions have been created for the outside processing cost. If N, then the distributions haven't been created for the outside processing cost. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOQuantity Transaction quantity in costing unit of measure.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOStdCostId Value that uniquely identifies the standard cost published to cost accounting, which is used for deriving the transaction cost in the standard cost method.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOTransactionCostId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction cost.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the outside processing transaction in costing.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOUnitCost Cost per unit in the cost book currency for each cost element and expense pool combination applicable for the transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOUomCode Code that identifies the costing unit of measure for the outside processing transaction.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOValUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit. This is the primary key of the Valuation Units view object.
CstWOOSPCostsPEOWoOspCostId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order outside processing cost. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Outside Processing Costs view object.