Costing Work Order Operation Outputs

The Costing Work Order Operation Outputs view object stores the output items and their definitions from manufacturing. The values are recorded at the time of work order close.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstWOOperationOutputsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCstWoOperationOutputId

Initial Extract Date : CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstWOOperationOutputsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCompletedQuantity Quantity of product completed for the work order operation.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCostAllocationBasis Basis for cost allocation for output items in a process manufacturing work order. It can be either a percentage value or a fixed value. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_COST_ALLOC_BASIS.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCostAllocationPercentage Percentage of cost allocated to the work order operation output. If NULL, it indicates a fixed cost entered by the user.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing work order operation output.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the costing work order operation output was created.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCstWoOperationOutputId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order operation output. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operation Outputs view object.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCstWoUpdateEventId Value that uniquely identifies the work order update event for which the output values are saved. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Update Events view object.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCstWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Orders view object.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOCstWorkOrderOperationId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order operation. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operations view object.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the output item produced by the work order.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the costing work order operation output was last updated.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the costing work order operation output.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing work order operation output.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOOutputQuantity Quantity of the output produced by the work order operation.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOOutputSeqNumber Sequence number of the output item in the work order operation.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOOutputType Type of output produced by the work order operation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_WD_OUTPUT_MATERIAL.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOPrimaryFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the output is the primary product for the work order. If N, then the output isn't the primary product for the work order. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure of the output quantity.
CstWOOperationOutputsPEOWdOperationOutputId Value that uniquely identifies the work definition operation output.