Costing Work Order Update Event Transactions

The Costing Work Order Update Event Transactions view object contains the status change transactions that are staged for the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. Currently, only the work order close status change transactions are staged for costing.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstWOUpdateEventTxnsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOWoUpdateEventTxnId

Initial Extract Date : CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOAccountingStatus Accounting status of the transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_ACCOUNTED_FLAG.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOBaseTxnActionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction action.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the source type of the transaction.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction type.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book associated with the cost organization. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostDate Cost date derived for sequencing the work order close transactions.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostMethodCode Code that identifies the cost method associated with the cost profile. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_METHODS.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the cost profile. This is the primary key of the Cost Profiles view object.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCostingStatus Costing status of the transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_COST_STATUS.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing work order update event transaction.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCreationDate Date when the costing work order update event transaction was created.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCstWoUpdateEventId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order update event.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOCstWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOErrorCode Code that identifies the error message if the transaction is in an error state.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOEventDate Date and time when the work order status was updated.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOExpenseReversedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, N, or NULL. If Y, then the earlier booked expense by the work order update event transaction has been reversed. If N, then the earlier booked expense by the work order update event transaction hasn't been reversed. If NULL, then update event transaction doesn't represent a work order expense. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the primary product associated with the work order.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOInventoryOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the manufacturing organization in which the work order is created.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOItemCostProfileId Value that uniquely identifies the item cost profile. This is the primary key of the Item Cost Profiles view object.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the costing work order update event transaction row last updated.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the costing work order update event transaction.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing work order update event transaction.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLeTimezoneCode Code that identifies the legal entity time zone. If NULL, then legal entity time zone isn't enabled and the dates are assumed to be in the server time zone.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOLogicalCloseDate Date and time when a update event is processed again because of additional costs are posted on the work order. For the original transaction received from source system this will remain NULL.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOPostedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the update event transaction has been processed by the cost processor. If N, then the update event transaction hasn't been processed yet by the cost processor. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOPreprocessingStatus Preprocessing status of the transactions. Contains one of the following values: SUCCESS or ERROR.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOPriorWoSystemStatusCode Code that identifies the system status of the work order prior to the update event.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOPriorWorkOrderStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the status of the work order prior to the update event.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOProductAdjProcessedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, N, or X. If Y, then the product completions and returns have been adjusted after the work order close to reflect the latest WIP value. If N, then the product completions and returns haven't been adjusted after the work order close to reflect the latest WIP value. If X, then update event has been excluded from processing. The default value is N.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOReversalCostDate Cost date derived for booking the reversal of the expense transaction.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOScrapAdjProcessedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, N, or X. If Y, then the scrap and scrap returns have been adjusted after the work order close to reflect the latest WIP value. If N, then the scrap and scrap returns haven't been adjusted after the work order close to reflect the latest WIP value. If X, then update event has been excluded from processing. The default value is N.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTotalCompletionQuantity Total quantity completed for the primary product.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTotalScrapQuantity Total quantity of the scrap.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTransactionDate Date entered by the user when making the work order status change.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Date when the work order was closed.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTxnSourceDocType Document type of the transaction. The value will always be WO indicating work order.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Reference document number of the transaction. This is the work order reference.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Reference document type of the transaction. The value will always be WO indicating work order.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOWoSystemStatusCode Code that identifies the system status of the work order after the update event.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOWoUpdateEventTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order update event transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Update Event Transactions view object.
CstWOUpdateEventTxnsPEOWorkOrderStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the current status of the work order.