Configure Reference Objects in Agile PLM

To support linking back from Agile PLM to the Innovation Management system, the integration engages the External References functionality in Agile PLM.

To configure this functionality:

  1. Sign in to the Agile PLM Java Client with Administrator privileges.

  2. Select the Admin tab and expand System Settings.

  3. Expand the node Reference Objects Management and double-click Applications. The Applications window is displayed.

  4. To add the Innovation Management system as an additional Application, click New in the Applications window.

  5. Complete the fields to create the application. While Name, API Name, and Description can be freely defined, pay attention to the following fields:

    Host Base URL must include the protocol, but no context path or port.

    Port must include the port number (digits only) of the port where the Innovation Management application is running. Example: 443

    Note: The host base URL is the one you used to sign Innovation Management Cloud with no context path and port. For on-premise deployments, sign in to your Innovation Management system and navigate to Concept Design. Use the URL in the browser to determine the protocol, host name, and port.

    Virtual Path must remain blank.

    User ID and Password may remain blank

    Enabled must be set to Yes.

  6. Click OK to create the application.

  7. In the Admin tab, expand Data Settings and double-click Classes underneath it.

    The Classes window appears.

  8. Scroll to the class Reference objects (note that there's a base class called Reference Objects; select the class which is directly following the base class).

  9. Click New to create a subclass of the class Reference Objects.

  10. Complete the fields to create a subclass.

  11. Click OK to create the subclass.

  12. In the window that opens, complete the following fields:

    Application: Select the application from the menu, which is the Reference Object created in step 6.

    Available On: Expand the menu from the list, select Items and move it to the Selected panel.

    Click OK.

  13. Click Save.