Innovation Management Functional Areas

This topic outlines the default tasks required to define Innovation Management in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

You must first complete the common application setup and configuration tasks for Product Management.

In the Setup and Maintenance menu, click the Product Management offering. Navigate to the required task list to view the functional area tasks.

The table lists functional areas and tasks for Innovation Management.

Task List


Define Product Requirements and Ideation Management

  • Manage Product Idea Classes

  • Manage Product Idea Statuses

  • Manage Product Requirement Classes

  • Manage Product Requirement Statuses

  • Manage Product Requirements and Ideation Lookups

Use this task list to configure ideas, and requirements specifications.

Define Concept Design Management

  • Manage Product Concept Classes

  • Manage Product Concept Component Classes

  • Manage Product Concept Statuses

  • Manage Proposal Statuses

  • Manage Product Concept Lookups

Use this task list to configure concepts and concept components.