Stores receipt accounting process errors and error rows are moved to persistent table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CMR

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
TRANSACTION_ERROR_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction error Identifier and surrogate key column.
CMR_RCV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Receipt accounting Receiving Transaction identifier.
BILL_TO_BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to Business Identifier of error transaction.
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Profit center business Unit identifier of error transaction.
PROCESSOR_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Receipt accounting process schedule name and pre-process name to identify the error transactions error stage..
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Yes Name of the table has a error txn. The table names are receipt accounting tables.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Error indicator of error transaction. These error code maps to {FND_MESSAGES_B.MESSAGE_NAME}
ERROR_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Category of error transactions.Supported values - Warning and Error.
TOKEN1_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN1_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN2_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token Name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN2_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token Value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN3_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token Name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN3_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token Value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN4_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token Name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN4_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token Value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN5_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token Name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN5_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token Value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN6_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Token Name of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TOKEN6_VALUE VARCHAR2 240 Token Value of error transaction. This is applicable for specific error codes.
TRADE_EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Trade Event Identifier of error transaction and maps to {CST_TRADE_EVENTS.TRADE_EVENT_ID}.
CMR_PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Receipt accounting Purchase order distribution identifier
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REF_ID VARCHAR2 30 External System Reference of error transaction.
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 60 External system reference of error transaction.
ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Accounting event identifier of error transactions and maps to CMR_RCV_EVENTS.ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID
TRADE_OVERHEAD_ID NUMBER 18 Trade Overhead Identifier of error transaction and maps to CMR_TRADE_OVERHEADS.TRADE_OVERHEAD_ID
TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER Stores cmr_transactions table reference key column if any error report based on receipts in cmr_transaction table