This table stores event costs from different sources like Purchase Order, Landed Costs, Transaction Taxes. This is a global temporary table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CMR

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
EVENT_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Surrogate key identifying accounting event Cost Identifier.
ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Accounting Event Identifier.
EVENT_COST_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Stores event cost sources like Transfer Price, Purchase Order, Landed Costs, Payables, Transaction Taxes.
EVENT_COST_SOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR2 50 Stores the event source types based on the event cost source values.
CMR_PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Purchase Order Distribution Identifier.
TRADE_EVENT_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Trade Event Cost Identifier .
TRADE_EVENT_TAX_ID NUMBER 18 Trade Event Tax Identifier.
TRADE_OVERHEAD_ID NUMBER Trade overhead identifier.
TRADE_EVENT_AVG_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Trade Event Average Cost Identifier.
RCV_CHARGE_ACTUAL_ID NUMBER 18 Rcv Charge Actual Identifier.
RCV_CHARGE_ESTIMATE_ID NUMBER 18 RCV charge estimate identifier.
RCV_CHARGE_ALLOC_ID NUMBER 18 Reference value of fiscal document freight charges.
CHARGE_ID NUMBER 18 Charge Identifier of Landed Cost Charge.
CMR_AP_INVOICE_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 Invoice Distribution Identifier.
ACCRUAL_CLR_ID NUMBER 18 Accrual Clear Identifier.
TRANSACTION_TAX_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction tax identifier.
EVENT_UNIT_COST NUMBER Accounting transaction Unit Cost.
EVENT_PRIOR_UNIT_COST NUMBER Stores prior unit cost of the same cost source document.
INCLUSIVE_TAX NUMBER Stores Inclusive tax unit amount of the cost source document and applicable for inclusive tax enabled documents
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Accounting transaction entered currency code.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE VARCHAR2 40 Stores entered currency conversion type.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE NUMBER Stores entered currency conversion rate.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE DATE Stores entered currency conversion date
PROCUREMENT_BU_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator for procurement business unit.
SELF_ASSESSED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if the tax is Self assessed.
DESTINATION_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Identifies type of destination for the material.
CROSS_BU_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if it is a Global or Non-Global Purchase Order.
SERVICE_LINE_TYPE_PO_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if it is a service line type PO or not.
TAX_LIABILITY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Tax liability accounting line type on transaction tax line.
INCLUSIVE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Inclusive Tax line indicator used while transferring taxes to Projects.
REC_NREC_CCID NUMBER Recoverable tax account.