This table stores net received quantity, received amount, net invoiced quantity and net invoiced amount for all purchase order distributions.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CMR

  • Object type: TABLE



Name Datatype Precision Comments Status
RUN_PERIOD_ID NUMBER 18 Period identifier of the GL period and refers to {GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.EFFECTIVE_PERIOD_NUM}. Active
CMR_PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Single column FK: Identifies entity in Receipt accounting PO Distributions. This value will exist for match to PO as well as match to Receipt cases.
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Business unit identifier where invoice created and accrual is accounted.
RECEIVED_QTY NUMBER Net received quantity of Purchase order distribution. Active
RECEIVED_AMT NUMBER Net received amount for service line purchase orders. Active
INVOICE_QTY NUMBER Net invoiced quantity of purchase order distribution. Active
INVOICE_AMT NUMBER Net invoiced amount for service line purchase orders. Active
TRANSACTION_DATE DATE The date when this transaction happened. Active
INVOICE_VAR_AMT_FUNC_CURR NUMBER Net invoice variance amount for service line purchase orders in functional currency.
INVOICE_AMT_FUNC_CURR NUMBER Net invoice amount for service line purchase orders in functional currency.