this table stores unprocessed latest retro price events


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CMR

  • Object type: TABLE



Name Datatype Length Precision Comments Status
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 60 Identifies the external source system. Here it is the PO system reference
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 business unit identifier where accrual is accounted Active
CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Receipt accounting purchase order line location identifier.
MATCH_OPTION VARCHAR2 25 Indicates whether the invoice match should happen at the purchase order or the receipt. Valid values are P for PO, and R for Receipt. Active
PO_UNIT_PRICE NUMBER purchase order unit price defined on PO line level. Active
NONRECOVERABLE_TAX NUMBER Nonrecoverable Tax on Purchase order
RETROACTIVE_DATE TIMESTAMP retro price event date - indicates the price changes on purchase order. Active
QUANTITY_ORDERED NUMBER Purchase order total quantity ordered. Active
PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Purchase order shipment schedule identifier Active