Depletions To Cost For a Receipt Date


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE



TRANSACTION_IDNUMBER18YesSingle column FK: Identifies the costing transaction.Active

REC_TRXN_IDNUMBER18YesReceipt Transaction IdentifyerActive

DEP_TRXN_IDNUMBER18YesDeplete Transaction IdentifyerActive

COST_ORG_IDNUMBER18YesSingle column FK: Identifies the Cost Organization associated with the inventory organization.Active

COST_BOOK_IDNUMBER18YesSingle column FK: Identifies the Cost Book assigned to the Cost Organization.Active

INVENTORY_ITEM_IDNUMBER18YesInventory Item IdentifierActive

VAL_UNIT_IDNUMBER18YesValuation unit identifierActive

DEPCOST_DATETIMESTAMPYesReceipt Date to Cost Depletion TrasactionActive

RECEIPT_TRXN_IDNUMBER18YesThe transaction of the receipt which provides the cost to an issue transaction.