Global temporary table used in the cost preprocessor. It holds the Global Procurement related AP invoice distribution information that came in from the AP Invoice interface and needs to be processed by the cost preprocessor.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: TEMP3


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CMR_AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies Account Payables Invoice Distribution interfaced to Costing.
CMR_AP_INVOICE_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies Account Payables Invoice Line interfaced to Costing.
INVOICE_BASE_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice amount in functional currency.
INVOICE_QTY_IN_PRIMARY_UOM NUMBER Invoice quantity in the primary unit of measure of the item. Note that primary unit of measure here is the one in the trade inventory organization on the PO.
INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 This is the Invoice distribution type in the Accounts Payables Invoice interfaced to Costing. It Identifies the distribution type such as Accrual, Exchange Rate Variance, Freight, Invoice Price Variance, Item, Nonrecoverable tax, Miscellaneous etc.
CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Internal Identifier of the purchase order schedule.
INVOICING_BU_FUNC_CURR_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Functional currency of the Invoicing business unit.
INVOICE_QTY NUMBER Quantity being invoiced in unit of measure code.