This temp table is used by the PreProcessor to captures GP txns which do not have transfer_transaction_id stamped. This table is the second temp table. It uses data from CST_INV_GP_TXNS1_GT & CMR_RCV_TRANSACTIONS to get the RT PARENT_TRANSACTION_ID which is used to chain the transactions together.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Comments
CST_INV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Single column FK: Identifies the Inventory transaction.
INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Indicates The Inventory Org To Which The Item Belongs
TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPE NUMBER 18 Transaction Flow Identifier, 1 - Internal Drop Shipment, 2 - Global Procurement, 3 - Customer Drop Shipment, 4 - Intransit Interorg Transfer, 5 - Direct Interorg Transfer, 6 - Intraorg Transfer, 7 - Transfer Order Intransit Interorg Transfer, 8 - Transfer Order Direct Interorg Transfer, 9 - Transfer Order Intraorg Transfer, 10 - TIR/TIRR at ownership change in procuring org for consigned PO, 11 - TIRR of TO Return with Scrap or null for others.
RCV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier to Rcv_transactions table
PARENT_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Parent Receiving Transaction identifier in Rcv_transactions table
GP_FWD_FLOW_RCV_PARENT NUMBER 1 If not null, it specifies if the transaction is a part of Global Procurement Forward Flow. Its values are -1 when parent rcv_transaction_id needs to be -1 and 1 when parent rcv_transaction_id is a number other than -1.
GP_FWD_FLOW_INV_ORG_TYPE VARCHAR2 4 Possible values are 'INV' which means transfer transaction is the same inv org, 'XFER' which means that transfer transaction is from the transfer organization specified in ORIG_TRANSFER_INV_ORG & Null whcih means that it is not a Forward Flow Global Procurement (GP) transaction.
GP_MAP_TO_XFER_GROUP VARCHAR2 1 It specifies the GP_XFER_GROUP to which the transaction type maps to.
GP_XFER_GROUP VARCHAR2 1 It gives the transfer group for global procurement transactions. This grouping helps in deriving the transfer transaction id for GP txns.
ORIG_TRANSFER_INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Original transfer inventory organization on the transaction. Once the transfer_transaction_id is determinted, the transfer_organiation_id is updated accordingly for the Cost Processor to be able to linkup the transactions. But using this column, PreProcessor can still figure out the link.
TXN_QTY_SIGN NUMBER 1 Sign of transaction quantity, -1 is for Issue & 1 is for Receipt. Needed since some transfer transactions have same source & action for issue and receipt legs.