Intermediate table used for cost transaction creation where the inventory transaction is stamped with cost org, book, cost profile and valuation unit information


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CST_INV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Costing inventory transaction identifier
CST_INV_TRANSACTION_DTL_ID NUMBER 18 Costing inventory transaction lot/serial detail identifier
COST_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Cost organization identifier
COST_BOOK_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Cost book identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Inventory item identifier
INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Inventory organization identifier
ITEM_COST_PROFILE_ID NUMBER 18 Item cost profile identifier
COST_PROFILE_ID NUMBER 18 Cost profile identifier
STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Status of the transaction
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Error code associated with the transaction
LOGICAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Whether a transaction is logical (not physical) or not
INTRANSIT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Whether a transaction affects in-transit or physical inventory
QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity in costing unit of measure
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Costing unit of measure as specified on the item cost profile
UOM_CONVERSION_FACTOR NUMBER UOM conversion factor between the Primary quantity specified in Primary uom of the item and the Costing quantity specified in the costing uom defined in the item cost profile. If the Cost by UOM type is Primary, then the conversion factor is "1" and if it is Secondary, then the conversion factor is secondary_qty/primary_qty. There are cases where the uom on the transaction would be different from the costing uom, in that case uom conversion api is used to get the conversion from primary uom to costing uom.
COST_BY_UOM_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Defaulted from the cost profile and its value can either be PRIMARY or SECONDARY
PRIMARY_QTY NUMBER Quantity as specified in the item primary uom
PRIMARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 An item primary unit of measure
TRANSACTION_QTY NUMBER Transaction quantity as specified in the transaction uom
TRANSACTION_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure in which transaction quantity is specified
SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QTY NUMBER The quantity in the secondary unit of measure
SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure in which the secondary transaction quantity is specified
COST_TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 10 Costing transaction type which is either RECIPT or ISSUE
ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING_CODE VARCHAR2 240 Specifies the transactions that are further classified with the cost transaction type. It can either be null or TRANSFER
USE_ITEM_COST_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Specifies whether to use the current item cost or the incoming cost
VAL_STRUCTURE_ID NUMBER 18 Valuation structure identifier
STRUCTURE_INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Structure instance number for the valuation unit
VAL_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Valuation unit identifier
VAL_UNIT_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Valuation uni detail identifier
VAL_UNIT_COMBINATION_ID NUMBER 18 Valuation unit code combination identifier
EXPENSE_TRANSACTION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Whether a transaction is asset or expense
TRANSFER_CST_INV_TXN_DTL_ID NUMBER 18 Links the transfer transactions back to the costing inventory transaction identifier
VU_STRUCTURE_COMPARE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains C if the VU structure is at Cost Org only or I if VU structure is at Cost Org & Inventory Org (and no other attributes)
TRANSFER_CST_INV_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 Stamp the transfer transaction identifier to identify the shipment leg for the transfer.
VU_COMPARE_STATUS VARCHAR2 1 Possible values: X:Ignore Costing; NULL:normal processing
BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory transaction source type identifier. For origin as INV the value comes from INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES_TL table, but a custom source type is treated as INVENTORY (value>100 is brought in as 13), and for CST it comes from Lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES
BASE_TXN_ACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory transaction action identifier. For Origin as INV, the value comes from lookup INV_TRANSACTION_ACTIONS and for Origin as CST the value is from lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_ACTIONS.
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 60 Identifies the external source system. In case of inventory transfers it is CST with parent transaction identifier relating to original row.
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REF_ID VARCHAR2 30 Stores a value that uniquely identifies a certain instance of an object within the external system.
TRANSFER_INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Surrogate ID identifying the organization linked to the other leg of the transfer.
WO_COST_ALLOCATION_BASIS VARCHAR2 30 The basis for cost allocation for output items in a process manufacturing work order. It can be either percentage or fixed value. Valid values exist in lookup ORA_WIS_COST_ALLOC_BASIS.
TRANSACTION_DATE TIMESTAMP The date when this transaction happened.
TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPE NUMBER 18 Transaction Flow Identifier, 1 - Internal Drop Shipment, 2 - Global Procurement, 3 - Customer Drop Shipment, 4 - Intransit Interorg Transfer, 5 - Direct Interorg Transfer, 6 - Intraorg Transfer, 7 - Transfer Order Intransit Interorg Transfer, 8 - Transfer Order Direct Interorg Transfer, 9 - Transfer Order Intraorg Transfer, 10 - TIR/TIRR at ownership change in procuring org for consigned PO, 11 - TIRR of TO Return with Scrap or null for others.