This global temp table holds the process transaction data collected from inventory, purchasing, shipping, receiving, and other modules.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: INV

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies the transaction of the interfaced record.
DOO_SPLIT_FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the distributed order orchestration (DOO) fulfillment line identifier.
REFERENCE_DELIVERY_ID NUMBER 18 Referenced delivery id identifier for RMA.
REFERENCE_DOO_FULLFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Referenced fulfillment line identifier.
FISCAL_DOC_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the fiscal document header.
FISCAL_DOC_ACCESS_KNUM VARCHAR2 64 This column stores the access key number corresponding to the fiscal document.
FISCAL_DOC_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the fiscal document line.
FISCAL_DOC_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the fiscal document schedule.
REF_FISCAL_DOC_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the reference fiscal document header.
REF_FISCAL_DOC_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the reference fiscal document line.
REF_FISCAL_DOC_ACCESS_KNUM VARCHAR2 64 This column stores the access key number corresponding to the reference fiscal document.
REF_FISCAL_DOC_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 This column stores the unique identifier for the reference fiscal document schedule.
INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Transaction source type identifier including custom source types.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the transaction source.
TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID VARCHAR2 30 Yes Identifies the transaction action.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Inventory transaction source type identifier. For origin as INV the value comes from INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES_TL table, but a custom source type is treated as INVENTORY (value>100 is brought in as 13), and for CST it comes from Lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES
RCV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the receiving transaction cross reference.
TXN_SOURCE_DOC_TYPE VARCHAR2 50 Indicates the transaction source document type.
TXN_SOURCE_DOC_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Indicates the transaction source document number.
TXN_SOURCE_REF_DOC_TYPE VARCHAR2 50 Indicates the transaction source reference document type.
TXN_SOURCE_REF_DOC_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Transaction source reference document number.
PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Purchase order distribution identifier.
CCID NUMBER 18 Identifies the code combination of the interfaced record.
WDDID NUMBER 18 Shipping delivery detail identifier.
DOO_CALL_NEED VARCHAR2 10 Flag to indicate whether DOO service is needed or not for a transaction
DOO_FULLFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Legal entity where the accrual will be performed for the purchase
PICK_SLIP_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Pick slip number for the transaction line
MOVE_ORDER_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 The move order line that this transaction line is tied to.
TRX_SOURCE_DELIVERY_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the transaction delivery.
PARENT_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Parent transaction identifier of the interfaced record
PICKING_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Picking line identifier of the interfaced record
LOT_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER This code indicates the lot control.
SERIAL_NUMBER_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER Serial control code of the interfaced record
INV_PORT_OF_DISCHARGE VARCHAR2 150 Tax determinant: Port of discharge of the interfaced record
INV_PORT_OF_LOADING VARCHAR2 150 Tax determinant: Port of loading of the interfaced record
INV_DELIVERY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Tax determinant: Delivery type of the interfaced record
INV_WAYBILL_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Tax determinant: Waybill or Air bill number of the interfaced record
IGNORE_TXN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This flag indicate whether to ignore the transaction or not
DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Delivery detail identifier of the interfaced record
OWNER_NAME VARCHAR2 30 For consigned transactions this column stores the supplier number in case an external supplier is involved. For internal consigned functionality this column stores the inventory org information.
ORIGINAL_RECEIPT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 This column stores the receipt number of the transaction along with the Inventory Org code of org where goods are first received.
ORIGINAL_RECEIPT_INV_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Original receipt inventory organization identifier.
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Inventory organization identifier of the interfaced record
TRANSFER_ORDER_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Transfer order line identifier of the interfaced record
TRANSFER_ORDER_DISTRIB_ID NUMBER 18 Transfer order distribution identifier. If a distribution does not exist for a transfer order transaction, -1 is stamped.
WORK_ORDER_ID NUMBER 18 Work Order Identifier of the interfaced record
WORK_ORDER_OPERATION_ID NUMBER 18 Work Order Operation Identifier of the interfaced record
WORK_CENTER_ID NUMBER 18 Work Center Identifier of the interfaced record
WO_OPERATION_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Work Operation Transaction Identifier of the interfaced record
SUPPLY_TYPE NUMBER 18 Supply Type of the interfaced record
OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 Ownership change transaction identifier of the interfaced record
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory item identifier of the interfaced record
SOURCE_SALES_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Sales order number of the interfaced record
SOURCE_SALES_ORDER_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Sales order line number of the interfaced record
SOURCE_SO_SHIPMENT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Sales order shipment number of the interfaced record
RECEIPT_ADVICE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 Receipt advice number of the interfaced record
RECEIPT_ADVICE_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 Receipt advice line number of the interfaced record
REFERENCED_SO_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Referenced sales order number of the interfaced record
REFERENCED_SO_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Referenced sales order line number of the interfaced record
SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 Source system of the interfaced record
FISCAL_DOC_ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 5 This flag indicate whether Fiscal Document feature is enabled or not
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Surrogate ID identifying the business unit associated with the transaction.
EXPENSE_TRANSACTION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if the transaction is asset or expense.
PRIMARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Identifies the unit of measure for the primary quantity.
CYCLE_COUNT_ID NUMBER 18 Surrogate ID identifying the cycle count associated with the transaction.
OWNING_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Surrogate ID identifying the owning organization for the transaction.
OWNING_TP_TYPE NUMBER 18 Owning Trading Partner Type. The values are based on MTL_TP_TYPES lookup.
CONSIGNMENT_SOURCE_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 This column is populated only for transactions involving consigned material, with the original deliver transaction identifier in Receiving.
TRANSFER_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Transfer opposing organization id of the interfaced record
TRANSACTION_QUANTITY NUMBER This is the transaction quantity in the user's preferred unit of measure.
ORIG_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 This column identifies the Transfer to Owned transaction with which this Transfer to Consigned record is associated.
MANUAL_RECEIPT_EXPENSE VARCHAR2 1 Flag which is set to 'Y' when there is a requirement for Manual Receipt at EXPENSE destination
SUPPLIER_RETURN_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for a supplier return header.
SUPPLIER_RETURN_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for supplier return line.
RECALL_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for a recall header.
RECALL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for recall line.
PARENT_ID NUMBER 18 This column identifies source and resultant transaction group for lot merge, translate and split flows.
SOURCE_LOT_FLAG VARCHAR2 3 To identify source transactions for lot merge, translate and split flows. Values: (Y) for Source transaction, (N) for resultant transaction and null in case of other flows.
INVENTORY_INTERFACED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if the RMA transaction is from a Direct Sales Order Issue. This value comes from the DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ALL table.
FULFILLMENT_UPDATE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A flag that indicates if the backordered fulfillment line is updated in Fusion Order Management. Possible values are: Y: Indicates that the fulfillment is updated. NULL: Indicates that the fulfillment is not updated.
REF_RCV_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 This column identifies the receiving transaction identifier for Shipment and Receipt transactions in the Internal Material Transfers forward and return flows.
ASSEMBLY_ASSET_ID NUMBER 18 The work order asset for which the material transactions are performed.


Index Uniqueness Columns