This table has records for Input Demands for Backlog Management Run


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
BM_RUN_ID NUMBER Yes Field indicates unique identifier for a Backlog Management Run
RESERVED_DATE DATE Column indicates the date on which the demand has valid reservations.
RESERVED_QTY NUMBER Column indicates the quantity of the demand that has valid reservations.
ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 field to identify the sales order number that helps in identifying sets for demand
DEMAND_LEAD_TIME_DATE DATE Field indicates the lead time date value calculated using ordered date and demand lead time
ORIGINATION_TYPE NUMBER Field indicates origination type of the Backlog Management run demand
DISPOSITION_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for the disposition id of Backlog Management run demand
ORDER_DATE_TYPE_CODE NUMBER Field indicates the code of order date type for Backlog Management run demand
CONFIGURED_ITEM VARCHAR2 1200 Field indicates configured item of the bm run demand
REASON_CODE NUMBER Field indicates Reason Code for Backlog Management run demand
DEMAND_FULFILLMENT_LEAD_TIME NUMBER Field indicates Fulfillment Lead Time of Backlog Management run demand
LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_DATE DATE Field indicates latest acceptable date of Backlog Management run demand
EARLIEST_ACCEPTABLE_DATE DATE Field indicates Earliest Acceptable Date of Backlog Management run demand
EXPECTED_SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier of expected supplier for Backlog Management run demand
OVERRIDE_PRIORITY NUMBER Field indicates overriden priority value for Backlog Management run demand
EXPECTED_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for expected supplier site
EXPECTED_SHIP_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Field indicates value of expected ship method
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG NUMBER Field indicates status manual override flag
EXPECTED_CARRIER_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for expected carrier
EXPECTED_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT NUMBER Field indicates value of expected mode of transport for the Backlog Management run demand.
EXPECTED_SERVICE_LEVEL NUMBER Field indicates value of expected service level
DEMAND_ID NUMBER Yes Field indicates identifier of Demand
DEMAND_PRIORITY NUMBER Field indicates priority of the demand
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER Yes Field indicates identifier for the inventory item
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Yes Field indicates identifier for organization
OLD_PROMISED_DATE DATE Field indicates old promised date of the Backlog Management demand
NEW_PROMISED_DATE DATE Field indicates new promised date of Backlog Management demand
REQUESTED_DATE DATE Yes Field indicates requested date of the Backlog Management demand
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates identifier of the customer.
CUSTOMER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates identifier of the customer site.
DEMAND_CLASS VARCHAR2 34 Field contains value of demand class of Backlog Management demand
SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Field indicates identifier for the source organization
FIRM_SALES_ORDER NUMBER Field contains flag whether to firm sales order
FIRM_SHIP_FROM_ORG NUMBER 18 Field contains value of firm ship from org
FIRM_SHIP_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Name of ship set that used to group firm orders for same shipping.
FIRM_ARRIVAL_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Name of arrival set that used to group firm orders for same arriving.
EXPECTED_SHIP_DATE DATE This column contains value of expected ship date.
EXPECTED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE This column contains value of expected arrival date.
SHIP_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Field contains value of ship method for Backlog Management demand
SHIP_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Name of ship set that used to group firm orders for same shipping.
ARRIVAL_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Name of arrival set that used to group orders for same arriving.
CARRIER_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates identifier for carrier
MODE_OF_TRANSPORT NUMBER 18 Field indicates value of mode of transport for Backlog Management demand
SERVICE_LEVEL NUMBER 18 Field contains value of service level of Backlog Management demand
SPLIT_FROM_DEMAND_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates identifier of demand from which the current demand is split
DEMAND_QUANTITY NUMBER Field indicates quantity to be planned for the Backlog Management demand
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates the identifier for supplier
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Field indicates the identifier for supplier site
IS_UI_DATA NUMBER 2 Yes This column indicates flag whether record is inserted by UI or User
ECC_FLAG NUMBER This column contains value of enforce capacity constraints flag.
REQUESTED_DATE_QUANTITY NUMBER field contains value of quantity on requested date
PULL_IN_FLAG NUMBER Field indicates flag whether pullin enabled
MARKED_FOR_RELEASE NUMBER 1 Field indicates flag whether Backlog Management demand marked for release
ORDER_REVENUE NUMBER Field contains value of revenue for the Backlog Management demand
ALLOW_SPLITS_FLAG NUMBER Field indicates flag whether to allow splits
PROMISED_QUANTITY NUMBER Promised quantity that has supply
RELEASE_STATUS NUMBER Field indicates the status of release for the line, like, marked for release, release, etc.
SET_HEADER_NAME VARCHAR2 280 Indicates the header name of a set. The value is combination of Order Number and Set Name
USR_DEF_DMD_LEAD_TIME_DATE DATE Field to indicate user-defined demand lead time date, which should always be respected in BM
RELEASE_ID NUMBER Column to group set of demands so that they can be released together
CONSTRAINT_RANK NUMBER Field to indicate the order rank of Constraint in Backlog Planning
DAYS_POTENTIALLY_IMPROVE NUMBER Field to indicate number of days potentially improved when using date from ShipSet or ArrivalSet
PLANNED_DATE_WITHOUT_ITEM DATE Field to indicate the date from ShipSet or ArrivalSet. It gives the expected plan output date of the set without this item or sales order line being planned
REQUESTED_QUANTITY NUMBER Field to indicate requested quantity to split the order.
BASE_DEMAND_ID NUMBER Field to indicate the split fulfillment parent line.
ORDER_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 280 Field to indicate sales order number and line number which helps in identifying split lines.
BM_SALES_ORDER_LINE_ID VARCHAR2 400 This value indicates the backlog management generated Sales order line identifier .
BM_PARENT_FULFILLMENT_LINE VARCHAR2 400 This value indicates line identifier of the parent fulfillment line to the current line .
BM_ROOT_FULFILLMENT_LINE VARCHAR2 400 This value indicates line identifier of the root fulfillment line to the current line .
SPLIT_INDICATOR NUMBER Column to indicate whether a sales order line is split. Valid values are: 1 or Null (Original demand line, no split), 2 (Original Original demand line that is split), 3 (New demand line created after splitting).
SUPPLY_PICK_DATE DATE Column to indicate the date when supply is picked from shipping organization.
USER_DEFINED_PRIORITY VARCHAR2 100 Field indicates user defined priority of the demand.
BATCH_NUMBER NUMBER Field indicates batch number of an order line to be released.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns