getDfltObjAttrHints Operation

This operation returns the labels for the service data objects and the label and UI hints for a given locale for the business object attributes, which are part of the service definition.

This table lists information about the return values of the getDfltObjAttrHints operation.

Level Key Value
Service data object LABEL Name of object (singular)
Service data object LABEL_PLURAL Name of object (plural)
Service data object attribute LABEL_ResId Expression to retrieve the key from the resource bundle

You must pass the internal names of the service data objects as parameters. To retrieve these internal names, invoke the getEntityList operation defined on this service.

Operation Signature

The getDfltObjAttrHints operation accepts two parameters:

  • viewName: Corresponds to the service view usage name, which is an internal name for the service data object. Specify the value of the <name> element from the getEntityList response payload.

  • localeName: Evaluates locale-based UI hints. The format of this value is ISO 639-1.

The following is the signature of the getDfltObjAttrHints operation:

<element name="getDfltObjAttrHints">
            <element name="viewName" type="string"/>
            <element name="localeName" type="string"/>

The response payload contains the label and UI hints for the object and the object attributes in a name-value pair format. For the definition of ObjAttrHints type, see Sample BC4JService.xsd.

<element name="getDfltObjAttrHintsResponse">
            <element name="result" type="ns0:ObjAttrHints"/>


This example shows a request payload that specifies the usage name and en locale of the Sales Lead object, and requests for the label and UI hints.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

The response payload contains information about the service data object attribute. The example payload shows only the object entity level and three of the attribute level hints.

<ns0:getDfltObjAttrHintsResponse xmlns="" xmlns:env="" 
    <ns1:result xmlns:ns0=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns0:ObjAttrHints">
            <ns0:value>Sales Lead</ns0:value>
            <ns0:value>The interest or the potential interest of prospects or existing customers in
            a product or service being sold.</ns0:value>
            <ns0:value>Sales Lead</ns0:value>

Related Operations

To get the list of entities and their names, use the getEntityList operation and then pass the name as a request parameter to the getDfltObjAttrHints operation.

Related Topics
  • Standard Metadata Operations
  • getServiceLastUpdateTime Operation
  • getEntityList Operation