Item Batch Maintenance

A collection of items and related information, such as supplier feed batch or legacy application consolidation batch, that is staged for import into a master product information repository.

Life Cycle Status: Active

QName: {}ItemBatchMaintenanceService

Service WSDL URL: https://servername/fscmService/ItemBatchMaintenanceService?WSDL

Logical Business Objects

  • SCM : Product Hub : Item Batch Maintenance


The following table describes how this service data object is related to other service data objects or business object services.

Relationship Type Object or Service


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield


Component Item Sequence Number


Style Variant Attribute Value Set Interface


Pack Component Interface


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation


Trading Partner Item Interface


Attachment Interface


Process Item Cross-reference Relationship Interface


Item Batch Option


Item Import Errors


Item Structure Component Interface


Item Batch Maintenance SDO Version 2


Process Trading Partner Item Relationship Interface


Product Upload Request Status


Process Linked Trading Partner Item Relationships Interface


Process GTIN Relationship Interface


Pack Interface


Item Batch Translation


Item Interface


Item Supplier Interface


Process Related Item Relationship Interface


Publication Errors


Publication Request Status


Item Attachments


Item Revision Interface


Product Upload Notification


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield


Item Structure Interface


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation


Request Status


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield


Item Import Bulk Load Records


Publication Scheduled Process Errors


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation


Item Catalog Category Interface


Item People



A service that submits an ESS program to pre-process the interface records of a batch.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that value represents the batch number in which this interface record is processed through the ESS program.



An option that automatically confirms a single item matches for the external item during the data load.



An options that automically confirms unmatched items as new items in the batch.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output this is returned from the submit batch operation is the ESS request ID if successful and the error codes if the batch fails.


An purge service operation that purges the records of the specific item batch.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that value represents the batch number in which this interface record is processed through the ESS program.



An options that controls which rows are to be purged. The values include All rows or only Error Rows.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output this is returned from the purge Item batch operation is a code indicating the purge operation is successful or a set of error codes if unsuccessful.


An operation for the Item Batch Maintenance service that submits a request to schedule a product data upload process.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The path of the manifest file from UCM. This is mandatory.



The name of the spoke system. This is mandatory.



Date and time at which the ESS job has to be run.


Product Upload Notification

Recipient to be notified and the condition on which the notification has to be sent.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The unique identifier for the product upload process that has been successfully submitted.


An operation that deletes records from the specified list of interface tables, matching the specified ItemTransactionId.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the interface table from which records are to be deleted. If ALL is passed in, other values for this attribute are ignored and records are deleted from all interface tables.



An attribute that represents the item transaction id of interface records that need to be deleted.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



Output that is returned from the deleteItemTransaction service operation. It contains the list of tables from which records are deleted and the number of records deleted in each table.


A service that submits the ESS program to process the interface records of a batch.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that value represents the batch number in which this interface record is processed through the ESS program.



This is used to submit the errored item data in a batch for reprocessing and import.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output this is returned from the submit batch operation is the ESS request ID if successful and the error codes if the batch fails.


A create service operation in the Oracle Fusion Product Hub application for a single Batch object.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Batch Maintenance Version 2

An attribute value for the Batch service data object to be created.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output that is returned from the create operation consisting of the Batch service data object that is created.


An update service operation in the Oracle Fusion Product Hub application for a single Batch object.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Batch Maintenance Version 2

An attribute value for the Batch service data object to be updated.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output that is returned from the update operation consisting of the Batch service data object that is updated.


A delete service operation in the Oracle Fusion Product Hub application for the Batch entity.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Batch Maintenance Version 2

An attribute value for the Batch service data object to be deleted.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The output that is returned from the delete operation. Errors that are generated will be displayed.


A find service operation in the Oracle Fusion Product Hub application for the Batch entity.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Batch Maintenance Version 2

The output that is returned from the find operation with a list of objects that match the find criteria.


A find service operation for the item supplier interface entity. The find item category interface operation will return item category details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item supplier interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Supplier Interface

The service data object record for Item Category Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Category Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface

The output this is returned from the process Item Category Interface operation is the service data object for the item Category Interface.


A find service operation for the item category interface entity. The find item category interface operation will return item category details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Catalog Category Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item category interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Catalog Category Interface

The service data object record for Item Category Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Category Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Catalog Category Interface

The output this is returned from the process Item Category Interface operation is the service data object for the item Category Interface.


A find service operation for the item interface entity. The find item interface operation will return item, item EFFs, item DFFs, item suppliers associations, item organizations associations, item revisions, item revision details, item versions and item version details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Interface

The service data object record for item interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the trading partner object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface

The output this is returned from the process item interface operation is the service data object for the item interface.


A find service operation for the item revision interface entity. The find item revision interface operation will return item revision details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item revision interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Revision Interface

The service data object record for item revision interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the item revision Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface

The output that is returned from the process Item Revision Interface operation is the service data object for the item Revision Interface.


A find service operation for the related item interface entity. The find item category interface operation will return item category details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Related Item Relationship Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the related item interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Process Related Item Relationship Interface

The service data object record for Related Item Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Related Item Relationship Interface

The output this is returned from the process Related Item Interface operation is the service data object for the Related Item Interface.


A find service operation for the style variant attribute value set interface entity. The find style variant attribute value set interface operation will return item revision details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Style Variant Attribute Value Set Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the style variant attribute value set interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Style Variant Attribute Value Set Interface

The service data object record for Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Style Variant Attribute Value Set Interface

The output this is returned from the process Style Item Variant Attribute Interface operation is the service data object for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.


A find service operation for the trading partner item interface entity. The find trading partner item interface operation will return trading partner item details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Partner Item Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the trading partner interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Trading Partner Item Interface

The service data object record for trading partner interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the trading partner object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Partner Item Interface

The output this is returned from the process trading partner interface operation is the service data object for the trading partnerinterface.


A find service operation for component interface entity. The find component interface operation will return component details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Structure Component Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the component interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Structure Component Interface

The service data object record for component interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the component object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Structure Component Interface

The output this is returned from the process structure interface operation is the service data object for the component interface.


A find service operation for the GTIN Cross Reference interface entity. The find item category interface operation will return item category details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process GTIN Relationship Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the GTIN cross reference interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Process GTIN Relationship Interface

The service data object record for Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process GTIN Relationship Interface

The output this is returned from the process Style Item Variant Attribute Interface operation is the service data object for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.


A find service operation for the item cross reference interface entity. The find item category interface operation will return item category details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Item Cross-reference Relationship Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item cross reference interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Process Item Cross-reference Relationship Interface

The service data object record for Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Item Cross-reference Relationship Interface

The output that is returned from the process Item Cross Reference Interface operation is the service data object for the item Cross Reference Interface.


A find service operation for the item interface extensible flexfields entity. The find Item Extensible Attribute Interface operation will return item interface extensible flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item extensible attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield

The service data object record for item interface extensible flexfields base record.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for theItem Extensible Attribute Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output this is returned from the process Item Extensible Attribute Interfaces operation is the service data object for the Item Interface extensible flexfields base .


A find service operation for the item interface extensible translatable flexfields entity. The find Item Extensible Attribute Interface operation will return item interface extensible translatable flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item extensible translatable attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The service data object record for item interface extensible flexfields translatable record.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for theitem extensible translatable attribute Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output this is returned from the process Item Extensible Translatable Attribute Interfaces operation is the service data object for the Item Interface extensible flexfields translatable.


A find service operation for the item revision interface extensible flexfields entity. The find Association Extensible Attribute Interface operation will return item revision interface extensible flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item revision extensible attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield

The service data object record for Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields base.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields base object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output this is returned from the process Item Revision Extensible Attribute Interfaces operation is the service data object for the Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields base.


A find service operation for the item revision interface extensible flexfields translatable entity. The find Association Extensible Translatable Attribute Interface operation will return item revision interface extensible translatable flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item revision extensible translatable attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete."/>


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The service data object record for Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields base.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields base object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Revision Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output this is returned from the process Item Revision Extensible Translatable Attribute Interfacesoperation is the service data object for the Item Revision Interface extensible flexfields translatable


A find service operation for the item supplier interface extensible flexfields translatable entity. The find Association Extensible Translatable Attribute Interface operation will return item supplier interface extensible translatable flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item supplier extensible attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield

The service data object record for Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields base.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields base object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield

The output this is returned from the process Supplier Extensible Attributes Interfaces operation is the service data object for the Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields base.


A find service operation for the item supplier interface extensible flexfields translatable entity. The find Association Extensible Translatable Attribute Interface operation will return item supplier interface extensible translatable flexfields details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item supplier extensible translatable attribute interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The service data object record for Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields translatable.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields translatable object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Supplier Interface Extensible Flexfield Translation

The output this is returned from the process Association Extensible Translatable Attributes Interfaces operation is the service data object for the Item Supplier Interface extensible flexfields translatable.


A find service operation for pack component interface entity. The find pack component interface operation will return pack component details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Pack Component Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the Structure Pack Component interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Pack Component Interface

The service data object record for Pack Component Interface .



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Pack Component Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Pack Component Interface

The output this is returned from the process Pack Component Interface operation is the service data object for the Pack Component Interface.


A find service operation for pack interface entity. The find pack interface operation will return pack hierarchy details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Pack Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the Structure Pack interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Pack Interface

The service data object record for Pack Interface



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Pack Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Pack Interface

The output this is returned from the process Pack Interface operation is the service data object for the Pack Interface.


A find service operation for structure interface entity. The find structure interface operation will return structure details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Structure Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item structure interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Item Structure Interface

The service data object record for item structure interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the item structure object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Structure Interface

The output this is returned from the process structure interface operation is the service data object for the item structure interface.


A find service operation for the trading partner item relationship interface entity. The find item trading partner item relationship interface operation will return trading partner item relationship interface details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Trading Partner Item Relationship Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the trading partner item relationship attribute value set interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Process Trading Partner Item Relationship Interface

The service data object record for Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Trading Partner Item Relationship Interface

The output this is returned from the process Style Item Variant Attribute Interface operation is the service data object for the Style Item Variant Attribute Value Set Interface.


A find service operation for the item interface translation entity. The find item translation interface operation will return item translation details.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Component Item Sequence Number

The output that is returned from the find operation with a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the item translation interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Component Item Sequence Number

The service data object record for item translation interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the item object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Component Item Sequence Number

The output this is returned from the process item interface operation is the service data object for the item interface.


A service operation to retrieve the current status of the ESS request.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



An attribute that indicates the ESS request ID of which status is to be retrieved.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Request Status

The output that is returned from the get request status operation is a set of codes indicating the current status of the ESS request.


A service operation to perform create, and delete bulk operations on the attachment interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the create and delete action that will be performed in the process operation.


Attachment Interface

An attribute that indicates the create and delete action that will be performed in the process operation.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the attachment interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be commited if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Attachment Interface

The output that is returned from the process attachment operation is the service data object for the attachment interface.


A find service operation for the error objects associated with the item publication.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Publication Scheduled Process Errors

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


A find service operation for the details of the successfully imported item objects.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Import Bulk Load Records

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


A find service operation for the error objects associated with the item import.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Item Import Errors

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


A find service operation for the linked trading partner item relationships interface entity. This find operation will return details of the linked trading partner item relationships.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that represents the search criteria for the find operation. This parameter value is null initially, the user must add the attribute from the service data object.



This parameter value is null and is not used currently.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Linked Trading Partner Item Relationships Interface

The output that is returned from the find operation is a list of objects that match the find criteria.


The bulk load service operation that performs operations on the linked trading partner item relationships interface. The bulk operations include create, delete and update of the interface records.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



An attribute that indicates the action that will be performed in the process operation. The actions include Create, Update, Merge or Delete.


Process Linked Trading Partner Item Relationships Interface

The service data object record for linked trading partner item relationships Interface.



An attribute that controls the bulk upload behavior for the linked trading partner item relationships Interface object. For example, controls if valid data will be committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch and controls if the return will contain only key attributes or full objects.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Process Linked Trading Partner Item Relationships Interface

The output this is returned from the process linked trading partner item relationships Interface operation is the service data object for the linked trading partner item relationships Interface.


The following tables list the privileges required to perform the service operations, and the duty roles that each privilege is granted to.

Service Operations to Privileges Mapping

Operation Name Privilege Code Privilege Name Privilege Description

All Operations


Manage Item Batch

Allows management of item batches to import items and related data.

Privileges to Duty Roles Mapping

Privilege Code Granted to Duty Role Code Granted to Duty Role Name Granted To Duty Role Description



Product Data Steward

Executes change requests upon approval and maintains the quality of the product master. Responsible for data loads. Develops consistent data in accordance with the business rules of the corporation. Responsibilities also include data scrubbing, monitoring data entry exception, data de-duplication, ensuring overall data quality.



Supplier Product Administrator

Individual in supplier organization responsible for accessing retailer external portal, and uploading and maintaining supplier product and catalog data with the retailer. This catalog data is for both sell-side as well as buy-side transactions.

Duty Roles to Duty or Job Roles Mapping

Duty Role Code Granted to Duty or Job Role Code Granted to Duty or Job Role Name Granted To Duty or Job Role Description



Guided Tasks

Manages guided tasks.



Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.



Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.



Manage Delete Group

Manages the Delete Group activities including the REST APIs needed for the page.



Manage Publication Map

Manages publication maps for publishing content.



Manage Spoke System

Manages the Spoke System activities including the REST APIs needed for the page.



Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.



Product Hub Administration

Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management.



Product Search

Manages product searches.