Predefined Attributes Used in Claim Approval Rules

Predefined attributes are provided for use in claim approval rules.

The following table contains the list of predefined attributes used in claim approval.

Attribute prefixed by Claim. Description Sample Value
billToAccountNumber Number of the bill-to customer account. 1008
billToCountryCode Abbreviation that identifies the country for the bill-to address. US
billToCustomer Name of the bill-to customer. Seven Corporation
businessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit. 2304
claimCurrencyCode Abbreviation that identifies the currency used for the channel claim. USD
claimDate Date when a claim is created. 2023-08-10
claimId Value that uniquely identifies the channel claim. 300100578945838
claimNumber Number that indicates the customer claim. CLM37054
claimOwnerUsername Username of the user who created the claim. ANALYST109
claimReasonCode Abbreviation that identifies the channel claim reason. SHIPPING
claimSalespersonNumber Value that uniquely identifies the claim's salesperson.
claimSourceCode Abbreviation that identifies the claim source. CLAIM
claimTypeCode Abbreviation that identifies the channel claim type. DAMAGES
functionalCurrencyCode Abbreviation that identifies the functional currency. USD
invoiceSalespersonNumber Value that uniquely identifies the claim salesperson associated with the invoice. 49032
settlementAmount Amount associated with the settlement method. It doesn't include the amount from Open Deductions, Open Overpayments, or Open Credit Memos. 935.32
settlementMethod The name of the payment method used to settle the claim. Credit Memo
settlementMethodCode Abbreviation that identifies the payment method used to settle the claim. CM_ON_ACCOUNT
settlementTypeCode Abbreviation that identifies the settlement type selected to settle the claim. ORA_NON_PROMOTIONAL
shipToCountryCode Abbreviation that identifies the country for the ship-to address. US
shipToCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to customer. 1008
submittedBy Username of the claim submitter. ANALYST109
submitterPositionId Value that uniquely identifies the position of the submitter in HCM. The submitter must be a HCM worker. This attribute is used for setting up approval rules based on the position hierarchy. 300100578945848
Task.Creator Username of the user submitting the claim. ANALYST109