Transit Times

You can define the shipping method and transit time required for a shipment to be transported from a point of origin to a destination. This enables you to effectively calculate the initial ship date so that it arrives on the planned delivery date.

For example, you define an origin to destination combination from Florida to London. Next, you assign the shipping method, Air, to it and define a transit time of 3 days. When you receive an order with a requested delivery date of July 3, 2025 for destination London, the transit time you defined earlier helps you determine the initial ship date. The initial ship date is date by when the shipment should be shipped from your warehouse in Florida in order for it to reach the customer on the planned arrival date of July 3, 2025. In this case, the initial ship date is calculated as being 3 days prior to the requested delivery date on July 1, 2025. Shipping costs are applied based on the shipping method used.

The following aspects can assist you in creating transit time records for future use:

  • Origin and destination combination

  • Shipping method assignment

Origin and Destination Combination

Defining an origin and destination combination enables you to create a shipping lane between locations where you deliver shipments. These locations can be an internal location such as a warehouse or supplier address, a geography such as a region or country, or a zone that is a grouping of geographies such as Asia Pacific


You cannot delete a transit time record for an origin and destination combination if an open shipment exists for the same combination.

Shipping Method Assignment

You must assign a shipping method to a specific origin and destination combination. For example, Express by Air. You can assign more than one shipping method to an origin and destination combination.

After you assign the shipping method, you can specify the transit time in number of days required to transport goods between the defined origin and destination using that specific shipping method. This enables you to calculate the initial ship date for shipments when you receive an order.

Additionally, you can choose to specify the maximum weight and volume capacity that can be transported daily using the assigned shipping method. You can also assign the cost per unit and the currency in which the cost is calculated. This will further assist you in planning the delivery of shipments by the requested delivery date.