Overview of Shipping Exceptions

A shipping exception is an unexpected event resulting out of a conflict between the requirements of the shipper, customer, or transportation carrier.

Define and Maintain New Shipping Exceptions

You can define and maintain new exceptions. The exceptions can be of three types:

  • Shipment: exceptions that are logged against shipments.

  • Picking: exceptions that are logged during the picking process.

  • Batch: exceptions logged to store the messages generated during the automated shipping processes such as automatically pack and ship confirm.

You can inactivate a user-defined exception that's no longer in use by your organization. Disable the Active check box on the Edit Shipping Exception page.


You can inactivate a user-defined exception only if the exception isn't currently in use by a shipment, shipment line, or packing unit.

Modify Severity Levels of Exceptions

You can define and maintain the following severity levels of user-defined shipping exceptions:

  • Error: Requires resolution before the transaction can be closed.

  • Warning: Can be superseded and doesn't require resolution to close the transaction.

  • Information: Provides information on a particular transaction. The user isn't required to act on the information exception to close the transaction.