Cancel Backorder During Import

You can use the Order Import web service to cancel a backordered line.

  • Assume you import a quantity of 10 on order line 1001.

  • Some time later, Shipping splits the line into two lines, line 1002 with a quantity of 6 and line 1003 with a quantity of 4.

  • Shipping ships line 1002 and sets the status for line 1002 to Awaiting Billing, but sets line 1003 to Backordered because no more inventory is available to ship.

  • You receive a request from your customer to cancel the sales order.

  • The order import service uses SourceTransactionLineIdentifier to identify the entire quantity for line 1001. It doesn't distinguish between lines 1002 and 1003 because it isn't aware that these lines exist.

  • Line 1003 hasn't shipped so you don't need to cancel the quantity for it. You only need to cancel the quantity of the line that has shipped. So, set the OrderedQuantity attribute to 6 on order line 1001 in your payload.

Here's an example.

<ns2:BatchName ></ns2:BatchName>
<ns2:BuyingPartyName>Computer Service and Rentals</ns2:BuyingPartyName>
<ns2:BillToCustomerName>Computer Service and Rentals</ns2:BillToCustomerName>
<ns2:ShipToPartyName>Computer Service and Rentals</ns2:ShipToPartyName>


<ns2:PaymentTerms>30 Net</ns2:PaymentTerms>
<ns2:ShipToPartyName>Computer Associates International</ns2:ShipToPartyName>
<ns2:ShipToPartyContactName>Jimmy Anderson</ns2:ShipToPartyContactName>
<ns2:ShipToAddress1>102, CityView</ns2:ShipToAddress1>
<ns2:BillToCustomerName>Computer Associates International</ns2:BillToCustomerName>
<ns2:BillToAccountContactName>Jimmy Anderson</ns2:BillToAccountContactName>
<ns2:BillToAddress1>102, CityView</ns2:BillToAddress1>