Manage Order Management Parameters

Set up parameters that affect behavior across all of Order Management.

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task:

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Management Parameters

  2. Set your values on the Manage Order Management Parameters page.

Order Management Parameters



Activate Credit Check on Order Submit

Specify whether to run credit check when the Order Entry Specialist submits the sales order.

For details, see Guidelines for Setting Up Credit Check.

Allow Changes Through Configurator Validation

Allow the configurator to select items in a configuration and to modify configure options after the Order Entry Specialist adds a configured item to a sales order, and then saves the sales order as a draft, but before submitting it.

For example:

  1. The Order Entry Specialist adds a configured item to a sales order, then saves the sales order as a draft.

  2. A configuration manager modifies the configuration model and configuration rules for the configured item in such a way that it affects the configuration that the Order Entry Specialist added.

  3. The Order Entry Specialist returns to the draft several days later, then submits the sales order.

In this example, if you set Allow Changes Through Configurator Validation to:

  • Yes. The configurator uses the modified configuration model and configuration rules to update the configuration that the Order Entry Specialist created. It allows the submit to proceed. It doesn't report these modifications to the Order Entry Specialist.

    This setting is useful when your business process doesn't require the Order Entry Specialist to understand and agree to modifications that the configurator makes.

  • No. The configurator doesn't modify the configuration that the Order Entry Specialist created. Instead, it doesn't allow the submit to proceed, and displays a validation error when the Order Entry Specialist attempts to submit or validate the sales order.

    This setting is useful when your business process requires that the Order Entry Specialist understand and agree to modifications that the configurator makes.


  • This parameter doesn't apply to a source order that includes a configured item. For details, see Import Orders Into Order Management.

  • This parameter affects all business units.

See Configurator Models.

Allow User to Remove Project Details on Referenced Returns

A referenced return order gets attribute values from the original sales order that it references.

If you set this parameter to Yes, then Order Management allows the Order Entry Specialist to remove these original values from project attributes on a referenced return order, but only if the return order is in Draft status.

Automatically Set Values on Sales Agreement Attributes

Control default values that Order Management sets for sales agreement attributes when you create or update the sales order.

If you set this parameter to Yes, and if:

  • Only one sales agreement exists for the customer and business unit, then Order Management sets the agreement on the order header to this one sales agreement.

  • More than one agreement exists, then Order Management leaves the agreement on the order header empty.

  • The agreement on the order header is empty, and if only one sales agreement exists for the item on the order line, then Order Management sets the Sales Agreement, Sales Agreement Line, and Sales Agreement attributes on the order line to values from the agreement.

    Otherwise, it leaves this order line attributes empty.

If you set this parameter to No, then Order Management doesn't set any default values. It leaves them all empty.

Order Management constrains the customer, business unit, and currency on the order header. It also constrains the item on the order line.

Business Unit for Selling Profit Center

See Set Up Business Units for Selling Profit Centers.

Cancel Supply When Canceling Backorders

Use this parameter to control behavior in your back-to-back flow. Set a value:

  • Yes. If Shipping canceled only part of the shipment line, then the Process Responses from Order Fulfillment scheduled process will update Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration's supply order. It will also cancel or close any transfer order, purchase order, or work order that's attempting to fulfil the remaining quantity.
  • No. Don't update or cancel the supply order, and don't cancel or close the transfer order, purchase order, or work order. Set to No when you want to manually review and cancel the supply order.

If Shipping finishes the shipment, and if Shipping shipped all the quantity on the order line, then the scheduled process will close the supply order even if you set this parameter to No.

See Cancel Backorders and Enforce Single Shipments.

Check for Trade Compliance When User Submits Sales Order

Set a value:

  • Yes. Order Management will verify each sales order that the Order Entry Specialist submits in Order Management or that you import from a source system.

  • No. Order Management won't verify any sales orders.

See Overview of Setting Up Trade Compliance.

Compare Change Order to Fulfillment Values

See Compare Change Order to Fulfillment Values.

Configuration Effective Date

See Manage Your Validations.

Configuration Effective Date for Exploding Included Items

Use this parameter with or without setting Configuration Effective Date. See Control Explosion Dates for Configuration Models.

Coverage Start Date

Select a value:

  • Shipment Date. Set the start date of the coverage to the date when Order Management ships the covered item.

  • Delivery Date. Set the start date of the coverage to the date when you shipping system delivers the covered item at your customer's site.

For details, see Set Up Coverages for Sales Orders.

Credit Check Failure at Order Submit

Specify how to proceed when credit check fails:

  • Save Order in Draft Status. Save the sales order in Draft status and don't proceed to fulfillment.

  • Submit the Order with Hold on Lines That Failed Credit Check. Save the sales order in Submitted status, place a hold on each order line that fails credit check, then proceed with fulfillment for order lines that aren't on hold.

See Guidelines for Setting Up Credit Check.

Customer Relationship Type

For details, see Display Default Values for Customer Attributes.

Days to Retry Recovery for Business Events

Specify the number of days to recover from errors that involve business events when you run the Recover Errors scheduled process.

The Recover Errors scheduled process attempts to retry errors that fail in the background. These errors might add up over time and cause a performance problem. You can use this parameter to put a limit on the number of days that you want to retry recovery. For example, set it to 6, and the scheduled process will only try to recover errors that are up to 6 days old, and will ignore any error that's more than 6 days old.

This parameter comes predefined with a value of 5 days, by default. You can use a maximum value of 30 days.

If you don’t want to retry recovery, then set it to 0.

Increase the value only if you find you need more time to recover from an error that involves a business event. For example, assume you have a fulfillment line that's in error because you used the wrong URL when you set up your connector 9 days ago. You now need to process that line, so you set the parameter to 10.

For details, see Fix Errors in All Sales Orders and Overview of Using Business Events with Order Management.

Enable Orchestration Process Planning and Calculate Jeopardy

Specify whether Order Management will plan your orchestration process and calculate jeopardy on each sales order when it runs your orchestration process.

See Guidelines for Setting Up Orchestration Processes.

Querying data for the Fulfillment lines in Jeopardy infolet and for the Orders in Jeopardy infolet on the Overview page in the Order Management work area can sometimes affect performance. If you don't use jeopardy, then set this parameter to No, and Order Management won't query for and won't display data in these infolets.

Filter Ship-To Addresses by Ship-to Usage

Filter addresses that you can select when you set the Ship-to Address attribute on the order header.

Set a value:

  • Yes. Display only ship-to addresses.

  • No. Display all addresses. Order Management comes predefined to use No, by default.

Examine the behavior when Filter Ship-To Addresses by Ship-to Usage is No.

  1. Create a sales order in the Order Management work area.

  2. On the order header, click Ship-To Address, then click Search.

  3. In the Search and Select dialog, don't set any values, then click Search.

    Notice that the search returns addresses that include Ship-to and Bill-to values in the Usage attribute.


  • In some situations, you might need to prevent the Order Entry Specialist from using a Ship-to Address when the usage for the address is Bill-to. For example, if you use Oracle Receivables, then you must set Filter Ship-To Addresses by Ship-to Usage to Yes because Receivables come predefined to ship only to a ship-to address.

    In another example, it might not be appropriate for a bill-to location, such as an accounting center, to receive shipment.

  • If you set Filter Ship-To Addresses by Ship-to Usage to Yes, then it will continue to filter the ship-to usages even if you specify a customer relationship. If you set it to No, and if you have a ship-to relationship, then you can also import addresses that have a bill-to usage.

  • If you import a source order, and if the Filter Ship-To Addresses by Ship-to Usage parameter is Yes, and if the value of the Site Usage attribute for the ship-to address in Trading Community Architecture isn't Ship-to, then the import will fail.

  • To specify the value that the Usage attribute displays, navigate to Trading Community Architecture, then set the Site Usage attribute to one of these values:

    • Ship-to

    • Bill-to

    • Ship-to and Bill-to

See Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide.

From Address for Email Messages

Specify the From email address that the Universal Messaging Service uses when it sends an email from the order document or from an automatic notification.

The From address comes predefined as You can modify this value to use an address in the domain that your company uses.

You must use a valid email address format. For example,

For details, see Administer Email Format in Order Management.

Halt Configurator Validation on First Error

Set a value:

  • True. Stop processing on the first error that the configurator encounters during order entry.

  • False. Don't stop processing if the configurator encounters an error during order entry. Instead, allow the configurator to continue to run until it finishes processing. This setting allows the configurator to identify and report all errors that the configuration contains.

Halt Configurator Validation on First Error affects only order entry. It doesn't affect order import.

Inventory Transaction Date for Order Lines See Reduce Inventory Without Picking or Shipping.

Item Validation Organization

See Use Item Validation Organizations with Order Management.

Notify Frequency

Specify an integer that represents the number of hours to wait before consolidating, and then sending a notification.

Notify Frequency comes predefined with a value of 1. You can set it to any value that's greater than or equal to 0 (zero). If you set it to 0, then Order Management won't consolidate notifications, and will send each notification when the event that it references happens.

See Send Notifications from Order Management to Other Systems.

Number of Processes for Order Import

Set the maximum number of instances that Order Management can run of the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process at the same time when you import source orders. The default value is 4.

Order Management divides the total number of orders that you import by the value that you set for the parameter, then uses the result to determine how many orders to process in each instance.

Adjust this value as necessary depending on how it impacts performance. As a starting point, we recommend that you use the default value of 4. If you want to use a higher value, contact Oracle for assistance.

Assume this parameter contains a value of 1, you change it to 10, you import 1,000 orders, and each order has the same number of order lines. Order Management will create 10 separate instances of the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process, assign 100 orders to each instance, and then process all 10 instances at the same time. In this example, you will improve performance by a factor of 10 when compared to using a value of 1 for this parameter.

The balance across instances affects performance. Assume each order that's running on instance 1 has 1,000 order lines, and each order that's running on all the other instances have 1 order line. You won't realize the same improvement in performance because instance 1 will still take a long time to finish.

See Import Orders Into Order Management.

Number of Times to Retry Pause

Specify the number of times to retry a pause task that pauses until time elapses. Adjust this value according to performance.

See Pause Orchestration Processes for Time.

Preparer for Procurement

Specify an Order Management user who the buyer can contact to help resolve a problem with a fulfillment line that involves a drop ship supplier. The buyer is a procurement application user. Order Management sends details to purchasing:

  • If you don't specify Preparer for Procurement, and if an error happens, then the procurement system will reply with an error that the preparer is missing.

  • You must specify at least one value so Order Management can successfully send a purchase request to Oracle Procurement.

  • The default value applies across all business units.

  • You can specify a separate preparer for each selling business unit.

  • You can specify a preparer as the default value for all business units. Order Management will use this default value only for business units where you don't specify a preparer.

  • Order Management doesn't use the value for any other attribute as the preparer. For example, it doesn't use the Created By attribute. It uses only the value that you specify in Preparer for Procurement.

See Set Up Drop Ship in Order Management.

Process Inventory Transactions Immediately

Process Inventory Transaction Lines as a Group

See Reduce Inventory Without Picking or Shipping.
Relationship for Ship-To Customer

Specify whether the relationship for the ship-to customer comes from the party or the account. Set it to one of these values:

  • Party Relationships
  • Account Relationships

Assume you set it to Party Relationships. If you create a sales order for your Computer Service and Rentals customer, then Order Management will set the Ship-to Customer attribute to Computer Service and Rentals, by default, and will allow you to search and select only ship-to customers that are related to the party, not the account.


  • If you don’t set a value, then Order Management uses Party Relationships, by default.
  • Order Management applies this parameter only if you set the Customer Relationship Type parameter to Related Customers.
  • Order Management applies this parameter only to ship-to relationships.

For background, see Overview of Displaying Customer Details on Sales Orders


Response Time in Seconds

Response Time in Seconds for Copy Action

See Response Time in Seconds and Response Time in Seconds for Copy Action.

Return Control to Users After Requests to Save Sales Orders

See Return Control to Users After Requests to Save Sales Orders.

Send Discount Details to Billing Systems

Specify whether to send the list price and discounts, or only the net price, to your downstream billing system.

Specify Default Values for Tax Determinants See Specify Default Values for Tax Determinants.

Start Approval Process for Sales Orders

Specify whether to get sales order approval:

  • If you must enable approval, then you must set this parameter to Yes even if you must enable approval only for Order Management.

  • If you set this parameter to No, then Order Management won't route sales orders for approval even if you create and activate an approval rule.

  • If you set this parameter to Yes but you don't create and activate an approval rule, then Order Management won't route the sales order for approval, but will instead send it to order fulfillment.

For details, see Set Up Approval Rules for Sales Orders.

Use Configurator for Order Import Validation

Set a value:

  • True. The configurator will validate each source order that includes a configured item during order import.

  • False. The configurator won't validate.

Use Price on Imported Orders That Oracle Fusion Already Priced

Set a value:

  • Yes. Specify this value if your source system already used Oracle Pricing to price the source order. The import won't reprice it. If you set this parameter to Yes, then make sure your import payload includes the charge details. For details, see Freeze Price on Sales Orders.

  • No. The import will price the source order.

This parameter applies only when you import through REST API. For details and examples, go to REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud, expand Order Management, then click Sales Orders for Order Hub.

Use Pricing Algorithms to Calculate Totals for Sales Order

Set a value:

  • Yes. A pricing algorithm will calculate the total for each sales order that you import. Use this value only if the predefined logic doesn't meet your requirements.

  • No. Predefined logic will do the calculation. Order Management has tuned the predefined logic for performance.

Compare Change Order to Fulfillment Values

Use this parameter to help manage revisions that you import through more than one channel.

Set the parameter to:

  • Yes when you revise through more than one channel. This setting will help to make sure the data in your sales order is consistent even when you import a revision through more than one channel. Assume you use FBDI to create and revise sales order 66684 from your order entry channel, and then use a web service to revise it from your shipping channel. The sales order data in your order entry channel might not match the data in your shipping channel. You can use this parameter to make sure you're using the current fulfillment data from Order Management.
  • No when you revise through only one channel.

Assume you create sales order 66684, submit it, and then some time later you import a revision.

If you set this parameter to Yes:

  1. You must use the GET action of the salesOrdersForOrderHub REST API to get all the attribute values for the sales order that's currently in fulfillment.
  2. Make sure the import payload that you use for the revision includes a value for each attribute that you aren't revising. Use the values from step 1 to get these values.
  3. Order Management will compare attribute values in your revision's import payload to attribute values in sales order 66684 that's currently in fulfillment to determine whether you revised any values.
  4. If Order Management finds that you revised any attribute values, then it will replace the fulfillment line values in order 66684 with the revised values.

If you set this parameter to No:

  • You don't need to populate values for attributes that you aren't revising in your payload.
  • Order Management will use the order details that it received from the web service or file based data import when you initially created the order, and then compare them to the data that you send in the revision. Order Management will only update values that you revised.


If you set this parameter to Yes:

  • And then deploy your set up, then you are committed to using it. Don't change it back to No after you deploy.
  • You must use REST API to get the latest attribute values each time you revise the sales order.

For example, assume you:

  1. Use file-based data import to create sales order 66684, the order has one order line, and you submit it to fulfillment.
  2. Use the Order Management work area to revise sales order 66684. You add another order line to it, then submit it.
  3. Use REST API to make other changes on sales order 66684. You must use the salesOrdersForOrderHub REST API to get the attribute values that you will use in your web service payload. You must modify only the attributes that you need to revise for both order lines.


Assume you set this parameter to Yes:

  1. You create sales order 37564 with two lines, don't set a value in the Warehouse attribute, then submit the order.

    Order Line









  2. Order Promising schedules the sales order and the line moves to the Awaiting Shipping status.

    Order Line







    Awaiting Shipping




    Awaiting Shipping
  3. You revise the order, change only the quantity, and then submit the revision.

    Order Line









Here's what happens next:

  • Order Management compares the revision's attribute values in step 3 to the original order's values in step 2 to determine whether you changed any attribute values.
  • The warehouse on the original order in step 2 is M1 but it's empty on the revision in step 3, so Order Management processes the change for the quantity and for the warehouse, then submits it to fulfillment.

Assume you modified the warehouse by mistake and need to set it back to its original value of M1. Here's what you need to do:

  • Use the GET action of the salesOrdersForOrderHub REST API to get the latest values for all of the original order's attributes. It will have a value of M1 in the Warehouse attribute.
  • Copy the attribute values from the REST response into the import payload that you're using to revise the order.
  • Modify only the attributes that you need to change in your payload, then redo the import. For example:

    Order Line









Now let's assume you set this parameter to No:

  • You import a source order, your import doesn't include a value for the Scheduled Ship Date attribute, and you submit the order to fulfillment.
  • Order Management schedules the order line and processes it to the Awaiting Shipping status.
  • Some time later, you import a revision that changes the quantity on the order line, and then submit the revision. You don't need to provide a value for the Scheduled Ship Date in your import payload even if a value already exists for this attribute in the original order.

Response Time in Seconds

Use the Response Time in Seconds parameter to specify the number of seconds to wait before giving control back to you after you submit a sales order that has a large number of order lines.

Improve your user experience. A sales order that has a large number of order lines might take a few minutes to process. You can specify the number of seconds to wait before giving control back to you:

  • You can specify a value of 5 seconds to 240 seconds.

  • If you set a value, then Order Management returns control according to the time it takes to finish processing the submit, not according to the number of order lines.

  • If you don't set a value, then Order Management gives control back to you only after it finishes submitting all the order lines in the order.

  • If Order Management finishes submitting the order to fulfillment before the time that you specify elapses, then it displays the same success message or error message that it displays when you don't use Response Time in Seconds. However, it won't display any warning messages, including warnings that are part of standard behavior or validations from an order management extension.

  • If Order Management doesn't finish submitting the order to fulfillment before the time that you specify elapses, then the Order Management work area displays a dialog that your user can use to navigate away from the sales order while Order Management continues to process the submit. If you're still on the order page, then you can refresh the page to get an updated order status. If you navigate away from the order page, then you can search for the sales order and get a status update. If you encounter an error or warning, you can edit the order or discard the draft just like you can if you don't set a value in the parameter.

  • This feature applies only for sales orders that you submit in the Order Management work area. It doesn't apply for source orders that you import.

  • Response Time in Seconds doesn't come predefined with a value.

  • This feature works only when you click Submit in the Order Management work area to create, revise, or cancel a sales order. It doesn't apply when you import an order.

  • This feature applies to all users and all business units.

Response Time in Seconds for Copy Action

Improve your user experience. It might take Order Management a few minutes to copy a sales order that has a large number of order lines. Use this parameter to specify the number of seconds to wait before allowing you to navigate away from the order while Order Management creates the copy:
  • This feature works only when you click Copy in the Order Management work area. It doesn't work during order import.
  • It applies to all users and all business units.

  • This parameter doesn't come predefined with a value. You can specify a value of 5 seconds to 240 seconds.

Set a Value

If you set a value, then you can navigate away from the original sales orders while Order Management creates a copy of it.

If Order Management finishes copying all lines in the order before the time that you specify elapses, then the Order Management work area displays the Edit Order page for the new copy.

If Order Management doesn't finish copying all lines in the order before the time that you specify elapses, then:

  • The Order Management work area displays a dialog that has the order number for the new copy.
  • You can close the dialog and remain on the Order page for the original sales order.
  • The View Order page displays a lock icon next to the new order number while Order Management creates the copy. You can refresh the page to get the latest details.

  • Order Management doesn't lock the original order, but you must not modify it while Order Management is creating the copy.
  • You can use the order number from the dialog to search for the new copy. If the search isn't successful after some time, then you can go to the Manage Order Orchestration Messages page to search for it and examine the results.
  • You can work on other sales orders while you're waiting.

Don't Set a Value

If you don't set a value, then you can't navigate away from the original sales order until Order Management finishes copying all lines in the original order. Order Management finishes copying the order, then displays the new copy on the Edit Order page.

Return Control to Users After Requests to Save Sales Orders

Improve your user experience. Give your user control to navigate away from a sales order while Order Management saves the sales order instead of you having to wait for the save to finish.

A sales order that has a large number of order lines might take a few minutes to save when you click Save or click Save and Close. You can use this parameter to specify whether to give your user control to navigate away from the sales order while Order Management saves the order. If you don't set the parameter, then Order Management gives control to you only after it saves all lines in the order.

Set the parameter to a value:

  • No. You can't navigate away from the sales order until Order Management finishes saving all lines in the order. You remain on the Edit Order page after Order Management finishes saving the order. The predefined value is No.

  • Yes. You can navigate away from the sales order while Order Management saves it:

    • You submit or save the sales order, the Order Management work area displays a dialog, then displays the View Order page.

    • If Order Management is still saving the order, then the View Order page displays a lock icon next to the order number. You can refresh the page to get the latest details.

    • If you navigate away from the View Order page, then you can search for the sales order to get the latest details.

    • If an error or warning happens, then you can click the error or warning icon to view the detail.

This feature works only when you click Save, or Save and Close in the Order Management work area. It doesn't apply when you import an order.

Specify Default Values for Tax Determinants

Use the Specify Default Values for Tax Determinants parameter to specify when to apply default values on attributes that affect tax. This parameter gives you a lot flexibility for the values that you use to calculate tax:

  • Improve performance when you have really big sales orders and you don't want to calculate tax for them.
  • Use this parameter with sales orders that you create in the Order Management work area or with orders that you import. You can also use an order management extension or transformation rule to automatically set default values.
  • Use default values when you create the sales order or submit it in the Order Management work area, or only use values that you import.
  • You can apply default values when you save the sales order, submit the order, or when you modify an order header attribute or order line attribute that affects tax.
  • You can specify to not apply default tax values at all. For example, when you already applied tax on a sales order that you import.
  • You can turn off the default behavior and instead set default values when you save or submit the sales order. You can also have Order Management set default values when you update attributes on the order header or the order.

Set the Default Values for Tax Determinants parameter to one of these values:

Value Description
Set Defaults When You Modify Attributes and Order Management Set default values when you modify an attribute that affects tax on the order header or order line.
Set Default Values When Saving the Order Set default values only when you save the sales order.
Set Default Values When Submitting the Sales Order

Set default values only when you submit the sales order.

Order Management won't set default tax values while the order is in draft status.

Order Management uses this behavior for orders that you create in the Order Management work area and for orders that you import.

Do Not Set Default Values

Don't set the default value for any tax determinant.

Use this setting when you want to calculate tax completely outside of Oracle Applications or when you import tax values into Order Management and you want to use those imported values.

You might also consider using this setting if you have really big sales orders and you need to maintain a high level of performance. Calculating tax on very large orders might impact performance.

On Demand Don't use. Its for a future update.

For more details about tax, see:

Order Management Extensions

If you use an order management extension to automatically create order lines when you import sales orders through Oracle Application Development Framework, then the extension will set the default values even if you set the parameter to Set Defaults When You Modify Attributes. Here's an example that sets some default values, such as setting the default value for the Taxation Country attribute to United States:

Here's an example that sets some default values, such as setting the default value for the Taxation Country attribute to United States:

Order management extensions didn't automatically set these values in update before Update 22D.

Order Management sets default tax values after the On Save event. For example, it sets the Product Fiscal Classification after it saves the sales order, not before the save. So, if you're currently using an extension with the On Save event to validate a tax determinant, then we recommend that you modify your extension so it uses the On Start of Submission Request event, which happens after On Save. This way, your extension will use the defaulted value.

For details, see Overview of Creating Order Management Extensions.

Pricing Parameters

Click Pricing on the Manage Order Management Parameters page.

For details, see Manage Pricing Parameters.